Seeds of Desire

Seeds of Desire by Karenna Colcroft Read Free Book Online

Book: Seeds of Desire by Karenna Colcroft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karenna Colcroft
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
his buddy and the two
of them pulled their trucks into line with the rest.
    “Thanks,” Cassidy said to Jared.
    He gave her a half bow. “No problem. I have to keep my
consultant happy.”
    Their eyes met and a sudden current shot through her from
her cunt straight up to her heart. A connection she’d never felt to Jared
before. For the first time, she and Jared were on the same page. She judged
from his frown that he’d felt it too.
    Before she could let her bewilderment show, Cassidy turned
away. “Let’s get to work.”
    Within the next hour, many more vehicles showed up, mostly
four-wheel-drive pickups and SUVs, with a few old backyard clunkers thrown in.
Most belonged to the townspeople who’d signed up to volunteer or who had
decided to help out because their neighbors had signed up. A couple of trucks
from local TV stations joined them. No surprise there. Of course Jared would
have alerted the media to this grand display of altruism on the part of JaBro
    At nine-fifteen, on a signal from Jared, one of the dump
truck drivers blew his truck’s horn, attracting everyone’s attention and
silencing some of the chatter.
    “Welcome!” Jared climbed up onto a flatbed, disregarding his
dress slacks, and raised his voice to be heard above the crowd. “If we can just
have your attention for a few minutes, we’ll be able to start.”
    Gradually everyone quieted. Respectful hands helped Cassidy
up onto the flatbed.
    “Thank you for coming,” she said, trying to make her voice
as loud as Jared’s and not quite succeeding. She scanned the crowd, the men,
women and few children from the town and the JaBro employees, and wished she’d
taken time to prepare another speech. She sucked at improvisation. She gulped
and went on, “This is going to be a wonderful day for your town and for JaBro.
Together we can counter the damage done by the ice storm and bring a little
more green to the area.”
    Jared stepped up beside her. Thank goodness. He must have
realized how much she was struggling to find the right words to say.
    “The folks from Killarney’s Greenhouses are here to help
with the planting,” he boomed. “We ask that you follow their instructions. Any
child under sixteen must have the direct supervision of an adult, and only
those over eighteen can use any power equipment. Don’t try to trick us, and
kids, don’t try to trick your parents. Adults are smarter than you think.” That
earned a cheerful laugh from the crowd, and once again Cassidy found herself
impressed by how well Jared handled the public.
    His confidence was pretty damn hot.
    “Please form an orderly line at one of Killarney’s trucks
and we’ll start handing out the saplings and shovels,” Jared instructed. “Once
you’re ready, our environmental consultant Cassidy Shelton will do the honors
of planting the first tree.”
    Under the guidance of the greenhouse employees, people
picked up plants and equipment and spread out around the area. They looked
expectantly at Cassidy, who waited until everyone had their things and a spot
before she accepted a shovel and sapling from one of the JaBro men. Jared
helped her down from the flatbed and led her to a clear patch of ground.
Cassidy raised the shovel above her head and said loudly, “Here’s to a new
future for your town!” The crowd cheered and Cassidy blushed and dug the shovel
into the ground.
    She and Jared took turns digging until they created a hole
deep enough for the sapling. One of the greenhouse workers helped them settle
the tree, then Cassidy replaced the dirt around it. More cheers went up from
the crowd and she grinned. Apparently, the trees meant a lot to these people,
who’d had nothing attractive to look at in the three years since the storm.
Despite her dislike of large groups, she couldn’t deny the pleasure their
approval brought her.
    For the rest of the morning, she and Jared wandered the
site, checking in with townspeople and watching the new woods

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