Soldier Up

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Book: Soldier Up by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
something like this, it was still fun even after all this time.  He approached Major MacCoy and asked him if he could demo what he had done.  MacCoy who had been watching much of what Major Clayton had been doing was actually excited to see.  They walked back over to his desk and for the next fifteen minutes Major Clayton showed him how it worked and what the program could do.  This was far and above cool, far more then Major Clayton had said he was going to do.  He explained that he had talked to a couple of people in the office and asked them if they had a wish for something to be automated what would that be.
                  He took some of their ideas and spoke with Gerald about it who gave him the resources he needed and off he went.  The program had already been deployed onto one of the IT servers but since it was a government network, even though it was an unclassified network, he still needed the Colonel’s and Gerald’s buy off on it.  Major MacCoy said he would get it set up, hopefully for later on this afternoon.
                  When Major MacCoy called the Colonel he thought it was a joke Major Clayton one of his top operators if not the top one had created a computer program in just days to help in some of the day-to-day operations in Operations.  Major MacCoy assured him it was no joke and that the SFOD-D Director of IT was going to be at the demo today at 1600 and if the Colonel could please clear his schedule at that time they would all be grateful.  The Colonel had to see this he felt, this was a first for him, generally any operator he sent was dead weight to Major MacCoy and they made and exit as soon as they could.  The Colonel said he would be there.
                  At 1600 in the main conference room Major Clayton had set up for his presentation, present were the Colonel and his aide, Squadron Commanders, Gerald and some of his people which included a couple of the people who helped him.  Also, were his old teammates he thought that was unusual but he was happy to see them.
                  The presentation kicked off with a short slide show where Major Clayton explained the ins-and-outs of the local unclassified network system, how the program he created was deployed and where it resided.  He also went on to explain all the features and functionality of the program, along with that he explained how he came up with all of the ideas for the software which was basically Op’s wish list.  After that he demonstrated the software for the next thirty minutes running it through the paces. 
                  By the time he was done everyone in the room was very impressed, not so much that a Tier One Delta operator had done this but anyone, even a very well-seasoned software developer had done this and in so short of a time.  Everyone in the room thought, especially the IT guys, that the program was awesome; it was just “WOW” great.
                  Major Clayton was thankful for all of the praise, as he was packing up his stuff he noticed everyone broken into two groups talking, Major MacCoy and the other military types were talking to the Colonel and Gerald was talking to all of IT Engineers and the Government types that had come with him.  His guess that everyone was looking to see if the knuckle dragger was going to make a fool of himself.  Then as he as leaving the conference room he saw Gerald and the Colonel talking, he wasn’t sure that was good or bad.
                  He returned to his desk, sat down and relaxed a bit then his desk phone rang, it was the Colonels Aide who asked him to come down to his office, now.  John thought to himself, “Shit this can’t be good.”
                  He walked out of Op’s back down the hall, then down the stairs and down the hall the other way, arriving at the Colonels door where he knocked, “Enter.” He heard.  He opened the door, strode to the

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