Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series

Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series by A.A. Askevold Read Free Book Online

Book: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series by A.A. Askevold Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.A. Askevold
her and her killers with it? Did they even cut her free before they burnt her to ashes? Alex looked down at his fidgeting fingers as the uncomfortable silence began to stifle the room. Nikki threw a quick glare at Tex and Trace. Tex was shaking his head at her. And that meant? "Sheila?" She asked. Luckily it was Alex who answered "She wasn't in there. We didn't find any remains. Any idea where she might have gone?" She wasn't in there? What had they done with her body? What had they done with the bodies of those assholes who killed her? They better not have put those bastards in the ground with Sheila. Her anger started peaking "I don't know where the fuck she is. She's probably off sucking some cock somewhere. She could've burnt the fucking thing down herself for all I know. Stupid bitch probably thought it'd get her some money somehow. Who the fuck knows?!" Alex stared at her. Tex and Trace stared at her. She felt like a fucking zoo exhibit and she was about to lose it. "Will you all stop fucking looking at me like that!" The boys eyes quickly shifted away from her but Alex just kept his gaze firmly locked on Nikki. The sadness in his eyes finally registered and it knocked her anger down a peg or two.
    "What do you want from me Alex?" He moved to her side sitting in the chair next to her bed "The truth Nikki so I can keep you safe. Tell me who did this." His eyes pleaded with her for the chance to do something. A long time go he'd had that chance. He and Nikki had been together years ago, a cop and a criminal's daughter. He'd been offered a transfer out of the city and he'd begged her to go with him, she nearly had. Tex had come to her drunk one night and begged her not to leave them. Then they'd slept together and when she woke the next morning she knew two things; one, she'd never leave him and Trace, and two, she'd never love anyone the way she loved the pair of them. She'd ended it with Alex and gone back to the pattern she'd been in before they were together. "I've told you all I can tell you. There's nothing you can do anyway." There wasn't, they were dead. "There's a lot I can do Nikki. What happens if they come back to finish what they started? What then?" She looked him in the eye giving him a pointed look "They won't be coming back Alex." He paused and looked at her then flicked his eyes to Trace and Tex as if to ask her if they were the reason her attackers wouldn't be coming back. She shook her head at him again "I can take care of myself." It was a simple statement but it carried enough weight that he seemed to know what she meant. His eyes grew dark with sadness then he stood and walked away from her. He paused at the door "If you ever need anything you know where to find me yeah?" She nodded her ascension "Yeah I know, I've always known" she'd just never had reason to find him and probably never would. Both Trace and Tex winced at her comment and yeah she knew that hurt him but the further he was from this shit the better for all of them. She watched the door close firmly behind him.
    Both Trace and Tex came to her bedside then. “Sorry baby girl better it was him than someone else.” She agreed with Trace on that one. Before either one of them got another word out Nikki spoke “One of you better explain what the fuck is going on and now.” Tex’s eyes bugged out “You can’t remember anything?” She was seriously going to throw something at him “Oh I remember everything and if my memory serves me correctly my mother’s house was still fucking standing the last time I saw it.” Tex bristled at her reply. Yeah she was being a bitch, she knew that but who wouldn’t be a bitch after finding your mother mutilated to death, being cut up, shot and killing two men. “We had to wipe the trail clean Nikki. You know as well as I do how this shit works. It had to be done.” He was right. They couldn’t let the cops get involved in the mess it would’ve raised too many questions and left the club

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