rear end. “Believe me, I didn’t get this big butt from starving myself.”
Sam refrained from saying her butt was just the right size, and used every ounce of restraint to keep from checking it out. All he needed was an uncomfortable condition that couldn’t be explained in the middle of a fast food restaurant. Carrie paid for her lunch then walked off toward the survey truck to wait for the others.
Sam lumbered over to the back of the line to wait his turn as J.C. jerked his head in Carrie’s direction. “You should ask her out.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yep, you’re both tall, with blue eyes. Or she has one, anyway.”
Sam gave J.C. a look of feigned shock. “She only has one eye?”
“One blue eye—de other is green, Jackass.” J.C. shook his head as Sam grinned down at him.
“All I’m saying is dat you two would look damn good together.”
“That so?” Sam asked as he watched Carrie’s progress toward the truck.
“Yep. And don’t act like you hadn’t thought about dat already, no. ‘Cause I’ve seen you watching her. You look like a man who’s starvin ’ to death in a face off wit a big bowl of seafood gumbo.”
Sam considered J.C.’s comments as he watched Carrie lean up against the suburban, waiting for the rest of them. She looked good every day, but working with the crew seemed to agree with her. With her cheeks pink from the combination of exercise and sunshine, she looked better, happier even, being outside and away from her troubles. He could think of a couple of more places she’d look damn good. In his arms. In his bed. In his life?
He gave a slow nod as he watched Carrie interacting with another member of the crew. Thoughts of her had steadily infiltrated his mind, betraying him, breaking down his resistance until he could barely think of anything else whether she was near, or not. He knew he was in serious trouble as the thoughts gradually turned from plain old man-in-need, to wanting nothing more than to care for her, protect her, be in her presence.
In three months he’d transformed from ‘Oscar the Grouch’ to his former ‘Office Clown’ glory. If his crew was grateful to have him back, he was downright ecstatic to be back. It felt good to want to get out of bed in the morning. It felt extraordinary to be able to see her at the office five days a week. His world had turned ass-backwards as he’d grown to hate Fridays and long for Monday mornings.
Sam knew that Carrie was responsible for the new/old him, and he also knew what that meant. It was time to pull the pork off the pit...He was done. He couldn’t deny his feelings for her any longer. He was head over heels crazy about the lady.
Carrie balled up the bag from her lunch and sunk it into the trash can about eight feet away from their picnic table. “How long are we going to be here?”
Sam glanced down at his watch. “Another fifteen minutes then it’s back to work.”
She stretched and pointed toward the park. “Is that a walking track I see?”
“Yep, want to make a round?”
She turned to look at the other guys, all in various positions and stages of napping. “Guess it’ll just be us.” They walked, making small talk, until they made it half-way around the track. Carrie stopped to investigate a decked gazebo with rails and built-in seating around the perimeter.
“What a great place to bring kids.” She climbed up the wooden steps to walk through the gated doorway, turning in a slow circle, to view the park from a different perspective. “This is perfect for small children and frazzled moms. It’s a giant outdoor playpen.”
Sam followed her up the steps and chose a seat across from where she’d parked herself. “Yeah, it’s my favorite design, yet,” he said, his voice filled with pride.
Carrie jerked her gaze around to peer up at him. “You designed this?”
“Designed and built it on commission. I live a few blocks to the east of this place.”
“I didn’t know you were a
Jean-Marie Blas de Robles