Son of Cerberus (The Unusual Operations Division Book 2)

Son of Cerberus (The Unusual Operations Division Book 2) by Jacob Hammes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Son of Cerberus (The Unusual Operations Division Book 2) by Jacob Hammes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacob Hammes
drawstring that kept them up at her waist they would have fallen straight to the floor. The long sleeve shirt was also baggy, but she was happy that it hid the strange marks on her arms. It also covered up the catheter through which they had been feeding her drugs and fluids for the past three hours or so. Her short hair was already dry when she decided to take a brush to it. It was no longer than her ears, so brushing it was nearly superfluous.
    She took a second to look in the mirror before she left the bathroom. The white lights above cast an eerie glow over her tanned skin and dark hair. Amy couldn’t remember the last time she had looked in a mirror. She found it comforting to be able to look at herself. Though her features were sharp and she may have had too many bones poking out, she figured she had chosen a good enough body to live with.
    A smile creased her lips, as if she were testing her own mouth. It looked odd, like she was still in an awkward state of maturity. She stopped smiling and rubbed the mirror with one outstretched hand. It made little streaks across the glass that quickly disappeared.
    Amy wondered for a moment about who she had been before the boat ride. She was confident it would come back to her, she just didn’t know how long it would take. The sight of the dead bodies in the boat had not scarred her, like the doctor had assumed. As the police officer had carried her from the boat, she took a long hard look at the bodies. Whether the machine that made everyone go crazy had affected her or the fact was that she just didn’t care about them, she didn’t know.  She just couldn’t feel anything for them.
    A nagging knock came at the door from behind her. It was that old woman again, grumbling at her to hurry up and get back in bed. She had been at the hospital for hours now and the only face that she had really seen other than the countless doctors that had stopped by to pump her full of god-knew-what was that woman.
    She sighed and gave into her fate, turned back to the door and decided to let what was going to happen, happen.
    The cops were just what she had expected them to be. Two men in blue uniforms that spoke in hushed voices and asked guided questions. The white masks over their mouths made her uncomfortable. They wanted to know what she remembered, where she had come from, what her name was, and why she was on the yacht in the first place. Unfortunately, she wasn’t very much help. She could hardly remember what she had eaten for breakfast in the hospital, let alone any of the events that had occurred aboard the boat. She smiled politely, tried her hardest to speak, but nothing came out.
    Eventually a kind doctor came to her rescue. He was an attractive man in his mid-forties with strong features and a prominent jaw. Upon seeing her, he smiled and winked. Within just a few minutes, the police were headed out. Though they didn’t get any answers, they were very assured that they would be able to revisit Amy once her health—and speech—had been restored. Unfortunately, she didn’t know when that would be or if it would ever happen.
    “I hear we’ve taken to calling you Amy.” The doctor’s name tag said Robert. “Sorry about the police. Unfortunately you were found aboard a ship full of dead people that cannot be boarded. This is a quarantine area in the hospital, and though I’m supposed to be wearing a mask to protect myself from you, I don’t like masks. Do you remember anything?”
    Amy could only shake her head in response. She wished she could help a little bit at least, but the harder she thought about it the more her head ached.
    “That’s unfortunate,” Doctor Robert said. Amy noticed polished steel doors behind the man, down a short hallway. They slid shut sharply as the police officers were escorted through a decontamination area.
    “You’ve most likely experienced some pretty traumatic stuff, which is probably the cause of your amnesia. We did some tests on

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