Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2)

Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online

Book: Sophia Hampton - Withdrawal (Satan's Cubs Motorcycle Club Book 2) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
She spotted Andy immediately. He was dancing with some young girl who must also be a member of the gang. She could see Frank sitting at a table, snorting a line, and at least two others were smoking crack. As Andy spun the pretty girl around and caught Melanie’s eye, she could see by the wild look he had and the way his eyes were that he was high as a kite. How many Sunday nights had he spent that way?
    The girl was cackling as Andy left her to walk over to Melanie, but she remained stiff even as his arm wrapped around her waist. There was nothing he could do to stifle the pain she felt in that moment knowing he had hidden something from her again.
    She felt tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to get him off of her. “Please, let go, Andy. I need to leave. I can’t do this.” She pleaded with him over and over in a whisper, but it didn’t work. He was lost to her. She looked around the room for a friend to help, but they were all wrapped up in each other. The only one she recognized was Frank. Even he was full of betrayal.
    Then, like a miracle, Rebecca emerged from the bathroom, and she was sober. She calmly walked up to them and started coaxing Andy off of Melanie. “C’mon, Andy. Let’s go get some fresh air, alright? Melanie needs to talk to you. Maybe you can take her home.” Rebecca looked at Melanie and nodded for her to follow. Melanie could tell that Rebecca knew how she felt at that moment.
    It made her wonder how long the same thing had been going on with Frank. The best couple she knew had a huge problem, a huge rift between them. Did Rebecca stick around because she was addicted to being with Frank? It didn’t seem too far-fetched at the moment. Everyone must be addicted to something or someone. Was that all there was in life; addictions and obsessions? Or would people like her and Andy ever find peace?
    They made it outside, and Rebecca propped Andy up on his bike. Melanie could tell that Andy was beginning to sober up. She’d heard cocaine highs didn’t last very long, but the thought of facing him after sobering up was worse. She knew there was no choice, though.
    “I’ll be right inside if you need me, Mel, okay?” Rebecca patted Melanie on the back and then headed inside, leaving her and Andy alone in the cool night air.
    “Andy?” Melanie asked slowly, approaching him. He looked like he was crashing, like someone who had just worked a 24-hour shift and couldn’t stay awake any longer. “Andy, I found cocaine in your things when I was doing laundry. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. How long has this been going on?”
    Andy looked up at her and quickly bowed his head back down. “Since the run I got the call about. The Colombians made me do it to prove my loyalty; me and Frank. I thought I could handle it, but I can’t.”
    Something about the defeat in his voice and the way he seemed to be accusing others of his fall back into his addiction made Melanie feel furious. Besides, if his job was ruining his life like that it was time to quit. He could be a respectable man at a respectable job if he wanted to. Why did he insist on doing this job if it was hurting him?
    “Then, you should have gone to AA. You should have asked for help,” she snapped back at him. The only response she got from him was a nod. Her anger once again took a turn for despair. She couldn’t let herself ball her eyes out in front of him. She had to get out of there, fast.
    “I don’t know what to do about this, Andy. You need help, and I don’t know if I’m the one that should do it. I have to go now.” She rushed to her car, feeling the tears begin to sting as they ran out. She needed comfort that Andy could no longer give her before she lost it.
    So, she headed straight for Jude’s without a second thought, hoping to find Caleb there. There was no way she could hold it together over the phone.

    “Tell us everything from the

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