Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2)

Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2) by Kelly Martin Read Free Book Online

Book: Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2) by Kelly Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Martin
Tags: thriller, Paranormal, demons, Angels, heartless
turning an interesting shade of red. The same shade as the red I see in my vision, now that I think about it. He’s dropped the knife, and he has his hands over his throat like someone is choking him, squeezing the life out of him.
    As for me, I feel a tingling in my toes. That’s how it starts. The longer and harder I picture myself squeezing Hart’s little neck, though, the more powerful the feeling becomes. It’s like energy moving through me—a trickle at first, and then a full on mountain of marbles rolling around inside, building and building, faster and faster, meeting at my stomach, fueled by the fire in my belly.
    I smile.
    This power… it’s euphoric.
    My eyes flutter, and I take the time to enjoy it. Enjoy the feeling of not having a care in the world, of all the nervousness just drifting away as the tingles, the orgasmic feeling, course through me. I raise my hand out to him, my eyes still fluttering, and gently curl my fingers ever so slowly, but I put every bit of fire I have inside me in it. Hart gulps against the wall, fighting off the invisible hand holding him in place.
    It’s fun, having this reversal. He’s tortured me for so long, made me afraid. Now, I’m even more powerful than him. I can snap his neck if I want, maybe even send him back to Hell. Truthfully, I have no idea what my powers can do, and that should scare me.
    But it doesn’t.
    It feels too good.
    Like I’m free.
    Like every particle inside of me is humming, singing, for the first time—living.
    My eyes shut, and for a second, a brief second, I give into it. The feeling. The power. Nothing can stop me. I’m an abomination, right? I’m powerful. I’m strong. I’m the thing even the angels and demons fear. Or I will be whenever I fully turn.
    If I’m this strong now, I can’t imagine what will happen whenever I do the last thing, whatever that may be, to change completely.
    I can feel it.
    The powerfulness of the demon blood mixing with angel blood in my DNA. It’s addicting, and I want more and more…
    I want to hurt Hart.
    I want to hurt him for hurting me.
    I want to destroy him.
    I want to destroy the world.
    I am the world.
    My eyes dart open, and I lower my hand, releasing Hart who crumbles to the floor. What did I do? What did I do! I sit up on my knees—not caring how bad it hurts and noticing that, for once, it doesn’t hurt—and rock.
    Oh God, I enjoyed that.
    I enjoyed hurting him.
    It was powerful.
    It was addicting.
    It took me over until I couldn’t find Gracen anymore, just it, just the thing that wanted revenge, filled with hate and loathing.
    It was evil.
    I can still feel remnants of it in my mind, telling me to stop being a baby, to embrace it again. Hell, drink more demon blood and see what I can really do.
    It’s whispering to me, wanting out, that part of me that is the Abomination, the dormant part that’s been with me all these years, the part I didn’t know about.
    The part that is more evil than anything I’ve never heard about before.
    And it’s inside me.
    Tears sting my eyes as I rock on my knees. What happened to me, I can’t explain. I smelled the blood, I got angry, and I snapped. Simple.
    I peered over the side of my bed to find Hart slumped on my floor. His lips are blue. His eyes are half open, unseeing.
    Oh no!
    The covers get tangled around my legs as I fight them off to get to him. I tell myself that I don’t care if I’ve killed Hart. He deserved to die, but that’s a lie. If he’s dead, that means I’m a murderer. That I’ve knowingly killed someone. I’ve hurt people in the past, all those girls… but I’ve never done it knowingly.
    I had wanted Hart dead.
    I made that happen.
    With my mind.
    I can’t live with that.

    T HE BLANKETS COVERING MY LEGS WIN, and I fall to the floor with a thump next to Hart. He hasn’t moved, hasn’t breathed, hasn’t gasped for breath, or even tried to do anything to let me know he’s

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