Spinspace: The Space of Spins (The Metaspace Chronicles Book 2)

Spinspace: The Space of Spins (The Metaspace Chronicles Book 2) by Matthew Kennedy Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Spinspace: The Space of Spins (The Metaspace Chronicles Book 2) by Matthew Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Kennedy
Tags: Science-Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy
him and the ambassador, and another for luggage and provisions.  He wondered  what the third was for.
    As they pulled up to him the lead wagon ground to a halt. The door on his side popped open. The heads of a man he presumed to be the Ambassador and his wife swiveled to greet him.
    “As-salaam-alaikum (peace be unto you).”
    Kareef smiled back at them.  “Wa-alaikum-salaam (and unto you peace).”  He did not bow.  It is not permissible to bow or prostrate to anyone but Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.
    Introductions ensued. He had never met Ambassador Qusay and his wife Ateeqa before, but they did not appear to mind having him as a traveling companion.  One of the guards dismounted and took his suitcase and carried it back to the second wagon, and Kareef climbed into the wagon took a seat.
    After a couple of minutes they wagon lurched forward and they continued on.
    “So you are coming to Denver with us,” said Ambassador Qusay.  “How do you feel about that?”
    “Forgive me for asking,” Kareef blurted out, “but how do you know?”  As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized he must sound impertinent and felt his face grow warm.
    Qusay, however, did not seem to mind the question.  “I was informed by the same people who told you ,” he said, flicking his glance sideways toward his wife and back again.
    Kareef understood immediately.  She does not need to know these things.   “Forgive me, it was a foolish question.  Obviously they would have told you so that your caravan could pick me up.”
    “So,” said Qusay, as if this interruption had not even occurred, “how do you feel about it?  You do not appear to be very excited.”
    And whenever you give your word, say the truth.   “I confess I am not completely at peace with it, sir.  I am told I am sent on an important hajj , yet I cannot even tell my own family why I have left the madresah and abandoned my studies before graduating.  It is as if I am born a second time, cast out naked from my home.  I do not understand why I was chosen for this, but I wish that the message had been given to another.”
    Qusay regarded him.  “He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed Allah,” he quoted.  “You should trust that the ones who selected and who are sending you know what they are doing.”
    “I hope that is true,” he said.  “But wouldn't it be more likely that I would succeed in my task if I knew what I am doing?”
    Qusay chuckled at this.  “How can I put this tactfully, Kareef?  It is entirely possible that you will be far more effective in your task in this particular case, actually, if you do not know why you are being sent. Your observations will not be influenced by preconception...and you will be unable even accidentally to disclose anything to the people you are going to meet.”
    He stared at the ambassador, his thoughts scattered like a flock of ducks at the approach of a hunter.  Behind the ambassador he could see the man's wife Ateeqa.  Her face mirrored his own confusion and curiosity.

Chapter 15
    Xander : the first student
    “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
    – Winston Churchill
    Gazing out at the remains of Denver from the rooftop, he told himself that he had not lived in vain.  There will be a school.  All we need is some students.  If I can get Lester up to speed in the time I have left, the torch will have been passed.  The first class to graduate will become teachers, and the knowledge will spread.
    Already, Kristana's artisans had readied two bedrooms and a single classroom to his specifications.  If Lester could find someone to get the ball rolling...
    The door of the stairwell banded open, startling him out of his reverie.  Aria sprang out onto the roof.  “They're coming!”
    “Eh?”  Xander turned away from the edge of the roof to regard her.  “Who's coming?”
    “Lester.”  She clung to the railing for a moment,

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