between the rigidities of vulgar experience and the imagination is rare. It is new, immediate — It is so because it is actual, always real. It is experience dynamized into reality.
Time does not move. Only ignorance and stupidity move. Intelligence (force, power) stands still with time and forces change about itself — sifting the world for permanence, in the drift of nonentity.
Pio Baroja interested me once —
Baroja leaving the medical profession, some not important inspectors work in the north of Spain, opened a bakery in Madrid.
The isolation he speaks of, as a member of the so called intellectual class, influenced him to abandon his position and engage himself, as far as possible, in the intricacies of the design patterned by the social class — He sees no interest in isolation —
These gestures are the effort for self preservation or the preservation of some quality held in high esteem —
Here it seems to be that a man, starved in imagination, changes his milieu so that his food may be richer — The social class, without the power of expression, lives upon imaginative values.
I mean only to emphasize the split that goes down through the abstractions of art to the everyday exercises of the most primitive types —
there is a sharp division — the energizing force of imagination on one side — and the acquisitive — PROGRESSIVE force of the lump on the other
The social class with its religion, its faith, sincerity and all the other imaginative values is positive (yes)
the merchant, hibernating, unmagnatized — tends to drop away into the isolate, inactive particles — Religion is continued then as a form, art as a convention —
To the social, energized class — ebullient now in Russia the particles adhere because of the force of the imagination energizing them —
Anyhow the change of Baroja interested me
Among artists, or as they are sometimes called “men of imagination” “creators”, etc. this force is recognized in a pure state — All this can be used to show the relationships between genius, hand labor, religion — etc. and the lack of feeling between artists and the middle class type —
The jump between fact and the imaginative reality
The study of all human activity is the deliniation of the cresence and ebb of this force, shifting fromclass to class and location to location — rhythm: the wave rhythm of Shakespeare watching clowns and kings sliding into nothing
This is the time of year
when boys fifteen and seventeen
wear two horned lilac blossoms
in their caps — or over one ear
What is it that does this?
It is a certain sort —
drivers for grocers or taxidrivers
white and colored —
fellows that let their hair grow long
in a curve over one eye —
Horned purple
Dirty satyrs, it is
vulgarity raised to the last power
They have stolen them
broken the bushes apart
with a curse for the owner —
Lilacs —
They stand in the doorways
on the business streets with a sneer
on their faces
adorned with blossoms
Out of their sweet heads
dark kisses — rough faces
The sea that encloses her young body
ula lu la lu
is the sea of many arms —
The blazing secrecy of noon is undone
and and and
the broken sand is the sound of love —
The flesh is firm that turns in the sea
O la la
the sea that is cold with dead mens’ tears —
Deeply the wooing that penetrated
to the edge of the sea
returns in the plash of the waves —
a wink over the shoulder
large as the ocean —
with wave following wave to the edge
coom barrooom —
It is the cold of the sea
broken upon the sand by the force
of the moon —
In the sea the young flesh playing
floats with the cries of far off men
who rise in the sea
with green arms
to homage again the fields over there
where the night is deep —
la lu la lu
but lips too few
assume the new — marrruu
Underneath the sea where it is dark
there is no edge
so two —
one day in Paradise