Star Force: Quenar (SF88) (Star Force Origin Series)
unscrupulous navigators, most notably their minion swarms. When they flood the
space around them, they are all but impossible to approach and ranged weapons
will only do limited damage. Their bodies are made to take damage rather than
deflect it. One must penetrate the outer layers if there is any hope to fatally
wound one, but when they act in concert they exhibit additional abilities that
make sustained fire almost impossible to achieve .”
    “ The Chixzon
added weaponry to the Uriti. If I share information with you from the Chixzon,
can you advise on the alterations and detail as intricate an analysis as
possible. I truly do not know how we are going to proceed from this point on,
but our first priority is to establish communication if at all possible outside
the Chixzon route. Beyond that, we will pursue other options so long as we can
keep this one contained here so that it is not a threat to other star systems .”
    “ Most likely
futile, but given that I do not know the full extent of their alterations there
may be a hope of merit in your ambitions. I will agree to the data sharing .”
    “ Beyond that
there is a favor I must ask, and one that I believe is in our mutual
self-interest. The Chixzon claim to have seeded the galaxy with the race that
contains their legacy. We are searching this region and have found many such
colonies, but there are bound to be far more beyond our borders. The alliance
that has safeguarded the Uriti has agreed in principle to hunting for more of
these colonies in order to inoculate them with a genetic alteration that we
have devised that will strip the dangerous coding out of them…not rendering it
dormant, but completely removing it and thus ensuring the Chixzon cannot return
in the future through them .”
    “ And you wish us
to look for more of this unspecified race? ”
    “ And to
inoculate them, yes. I know that certain races, given that knowledge, would
hunt them down and destroy them to prevent the Chixzon return, but this is far
more efficient a solution and does not involve mass murder. If we give you the
inoculation, will you spread it to any and all colonies that you find? ”
    “ You have yet to
identify the race .”
    “ They are the
Protovic .”
    The Dragon huffed once. “ Such a clever disguise. A pathetic, yet somewhat resilient race to hide
themselves within. Their timeline, if it has not been altered by factors unseen
to them, is incredibly ambitious. What has this Chixzon suggested that his
peers would do if they returned? ”
    “ Lay low and
look for a means to conquer the galaxy where the Uriti failed, but if they
could find some way to eliminate the weakness in them that they would seek them
out or perhaps another Hadarak from which to make more. He is convinced that
they would not make the same fatal mistake a second time, thus they would not
reveal themselves until they were all but assured of victory .”
    “ From your
memories, you have stated that their telepathy is inferior to your own? ”
    “ Structurally
yes, but he is also extremely young .”
    “ None the less,
it is curious how their development has occurred differently than ours. I had
assumed such things were more or less automatic with regards to genetics.
Apparently that is not so, for they have exceeded us with the Hadarak while failing
to even produce adequate results in other areas. Such things may not be
apparent to you, but they are obvious to me from your memories .”
    “ You have
attempted to reengineer the Hadarak? ”
    “ We have
attempted all things considered and found no way to defeat them other than
through continual warfare and attrition. Their sanctuaries in the deep core
cannot be reached, thus there is no way known to permanently eradicate them
even if we were to mount an enormous crusade to kill all those who come forth.
An equilibrium was thus maintained, and is currently done so with a thin region
ceded to them that was not previously. This denotes that the

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