Star Force: Quenar (SF88) (Star Force Origin Series)
V’kit’no’sat are not
as strong as they once were and I believe it is partly because we are no longer
bolstering them, but also due to the Rit’ko’sor rebellion. ”
    “ What happened
to them? ”
    “ Unknown. We
cannot gather much intel from the core, but what we
have thus far indicates that they have been wiped from all records and
therefore have not been reassimilated . ”
    “ Annihilated? ”
    “ Possibly, but
regardless of their ultimate fate they seem to have hurt the V’kit’no’sat to
such a degree that they have not fully recovered. Their loosening of the
equilibrium will have cumulative negative effects that will force them to
commit further resources to holding the line in time. The Hadarak can sense
weakness when it exists, and they deliberately prod any such signs looking for
a way to penetrate the defenses. They could simply travel past them and be
pursued, but they choose to attack them directly. They are a plague that thinks
and plans, but does so in such a way that we have bene unable to determine
their full motivation. ”
    “ All the more
reason to try and talk to a Uriti if possible .”
    “ I am not
hopeful, but I will assist you with this endeavor. While the traitors hold the
Hadarak at bay, they cannot be continually trusted with such a task. We are
not, nor will be, in a position to supplant them, but if another method of
combating the Hadarak exists it is important that we find it. But do not mistake
my acquiescence as a mitigation of the danger. If the Chixzon hold on this
Uriti lapses, it will prove beyond your ability to defeat regardless of what
impressive progress your Archons have made. The Hadarak fight navally before
all else, and must be countered on such. You of all Archons should understand
magnitude of this .”
    “ I understand
part of it. I need you to help educate me further .”
    “ Is that
humility I hear? ”
    “ Never ,”
Paul said with defiance. “ Just acceptance
of ignorance that I have not yet been able to rectify from reading reports
alone. I need someone with greater knowledge, or better yet, experience with
the Hadarak. ”
    “ Where is the
Archon I gifted previously? ”
    “ Elsewhere
making preparations for if and when the V’kit’no’sat return .”
    “ Prudent, but
otherwise futile. Anonymity is your only effective defense. If she were here I
could upload the necessary knowledge to her Vorch’nas, but unless she is close
by there is no time. When we leave from here you will not see us again and your
efforts concerning the Uriti will be your own. If you have the ability to
destroy it, then we shall leave it in your care, for good or ill. Our
intervention is tenuous, and destruction of one will not be possible if more
prying eyes continue to arrive as you anticipate. I suspect this location is
going to come under great scrutiny, thus we must return to the shadows before
we can be discovered .”
    “ What would you
counsel regarding that? ”
    “ You fear their
exposure of you to the traitors. This is a real threat if the races coming here
have ties back to the core, but if the Uriti never traveled to the core then
you may be clear of that catastrophe. With regards to these races alone I would
advise caution and extreme military buildup to discourage intervention. If you
are going to claim possession of this Uriti, you may well have to do more than
be able to control it. ”
    Paul cringed. “ I
was afraid of that. ”
    “ I will advise
destroying it and the others before your grasp upon them can be challenged .”
    “ It’s already
been challenged once, but no, we’re not going to kill them unless they take
action themselves that forces it. ”
    “ Noble, but not
prudent .”
    “ Noble usually
isn’t .”
    “ Your path is
your own .”
    “ That it is ,”
Paul agreed, knowing he was referencing the V’kit’no’sat betrayal. They weren’t
going to ally themselves, trust themselves, to anyone else again after that. “ As for the

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