Stealing the Bride

Stealing the Bride by Brynn Paulin Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Stealing the Bride by Brynn Paulin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brynn Paulin
Tags: Erótica
blouse. A parking garage?
    Jacob reached out a hand and helped her from the van. Daniel hopped out beside her and slammed the vehicle’s door.
    “Making love to you in the van has some appeal, but we have something else in mind,” Jacob told her, leading her into a quiet hallway of the building attached to the garage. Before she could determine where they were, she was swept into an elevator. They zoomed upward while the men took turns kissing her and keeping her distracted.
    She got the brief impression they were in a hotel as they exited the elevator, but before she could absorb anything, Jacob opened a door, and they pulled her inside.
    A sea of white filled her vision. There were candles everywhere. Champagne. Miles of lace.
    “The bridal suite for the bride,” Daniel said against her ear before he kissed the tender skin behind it.
    “It’s beautiful. Too bad there isn’t a bride.”
    Jacob looked at Daniel, and Daniel nodded. They led her farther into the room and Jacob sat on the bed, pulling her between his legs. Daniel stood behind her and started releasing the buttons on her blouse.
    “You see, the thing is,” he said. “We want you to be our bride.”
    “To have our children,” Jacob added.
    “And to be our family.”
    “We can support you. Quit your job, and come to California with us.”
    Mara laughed suddenly. “I don’t think I have much of a job left anyway. Marco is sleeping with Aaron.”
    “Bummer,” Daniel said, his insincerity plain. She smiled and shrugged out of the blouse he’d unfastened. Jacob pulled her into his arms and dragged his tongue over her aroused nipple. Her knees wobbled as need filled her, and she sank into Jacob. He laid back, drawing her with him.
    “So we’re your backup plan?” Daniel teased, pushing down her jeans and underwear.
    “Hey, who kidnapped me?” she shot back. Her life was going to be unpredictable from here on out. Unpredictable and fun and full of love.
    “Have us both,” Jacob urged. He kissed her, cupping her ass and rubbing his erection against her pussy. She moaned her frustration that he was still clothed. Working a hand between them, she shoved at his waistband and tried to free the closure. As soon as his cock was free, she sank onto him. The sensation of home brought tears to her eyes again. This was so good. So perfect.
    “Perfect,” she murmured, echoing her thought. Slowly, she rode him, anxious to reunite with both her lovers, to reassure herself and them that they were together and would stay together.
    She startled at Daniel’s hands on her ass, parting her, then the cool sensation of lube against her anus. He wouldn’t!
    “Yes?” he asked as his finger massaged the opening and slid inside her.
    “Yes,” she replied. She wanted everything they had to give. All of it at once. She relaxed as he loosened her passage, though she couldn’t help her tiny muscles quivering around Jacob’s cock.
    She tensed for a moment when Daniel’s cock pressed to her.
    “Relax, honey,” he murmured.
    Jacob distracted her by cupping her breasts and tugging on her nipples, though truly there was nothing that could take her attention away from a second cock slowly entering her. She didn’t move as she took rapid, shallow breaths. Her body was so full. She was connected with them both. As they started an alternating in and out rhythm that stole her thoughts, Mara surrendered to them. Could she do anything else? The sweet friction of their cocks rubbing each other through the thin membrane between her pussy and rectum drew shuddering moans.
    “God, baby, you feel so good,” Jacob grunted. His hips canted upward, moving faster. In turn, Daniel’s speed also increased.
    Mara’s eyes drifted shut as she sank into the feeling of them touching her. Sliding along her back. Grasping her hips. Sucking at her breasts. Kissing the back of her neck. Rubbing her clit. It seemed their hands and mouths were everywhere. Arrows of lightning seemed to

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