Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2)

Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) by Darlene Kuncytes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Summer Sin (The Anthology Novella Series Book 2) by Darlene Kuncytes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Kuncytes
knew that the death of her parents had been devastating to her, but it had been years, and to think that she had been this closed up, sad person all this time tugged at something deep inside him.
    He wanted to make her smile. For some reason that he couldn’t even begin to fathom, he wanted to see her happy. No, scratch that, he silently corrected himself. He wanted to be the one who made her happy.
    He stepped over to stand in front of her. Her glorious hair was pulled atop her head in a haphazard ponytail and her golden skin shimmered with perspiration, and he thought that he had never seen anything more beautiful. The woman was absolutely breathtaking. She had a natural beauty that was awe-inspiring.
    Before common sense could stop him, his wolf growled with need and he pulled her to him, his mouth taking hers in nothing less than primal desperation. It was quick, urgent…earth-shattering.
    Her mouth opened up to him with a small gasp and he took full advantage of it, sliding his tongue against hers, tasting…teasing, and he felt gooseflesh raise against his skin as his wolf howled with desire.
    His hands slipped down to the curve of her backside and he pulled her closer, his body grinding against hers and a moan escaped her as the proof of his desire pressed up against her tummy. Firm, steady…demanding.
    The sudden jolt of something hitting the back of his head caused him to abruptly break away from her mouth and he jerked back, his face set in an angry glare as he quickly surveyed the area, looking for any sign of danger.
    “What in the bloody hell ?” he growled, absolutely furious as he searched for the source.
    Suddenly something else was hurtled at him, hitting him squarely in the back. He looked up to find the damned monkeys chucking nuts at him as they screeched and chattered away. He stepped away from Victoria and spun around, his eyes blazing now as he glared at the little menaces.
    “Son of a bitch!” he snarled as another nut slammed into the side of his face. “What in the hell is wrong with you little bastards?” he yelled at the primates, who only shrieked and continued throwing whatever was close at hand at him.
    His entire body suddenly stilled as he heard the most amazing sound that he had ever heard before. He turned to find Victoria, standing there with her arms wrapped around her stomach as she laughed uncontrollably. His mouth dropped open as her musical laughter wrapped around his body like nothing ever had before. Christ on a crutch, but it was amazing. It stopped him cold, as if everything around them had suddenly disappeared and all that was left was that wondrous sound coming from her incredible lips. It was soul-shattering. It was more than he ever could have imagined.
    “I’m sor…sorry,” she snorted, shaking her head wildly from side to side. “But, the look on your face! Oh, my Gods! That’s priceless!”
    Cam swallowed hard as he tried to regain his senses and grabbed a hold of her hand. “Let’s get back before they start whipping branches at me,” he spat out, trying to ignore the heated response of his body. It was going to be hard enough to walk back comfortably as it was and all he wanted at the moment was to feel her back in his arms, to kiss that sweet, perfect mouth of hers. Well, that and to kick some damn monkey ass!

    It was beginning to get dark by the time they made it back to the villas and Cam stood with her by her door, once again not wanting to let her go. He wanted to taste her again. He wanted that to the point of distraction. The thoughts swirling around in his brain had tormented him the entire walk back.
    They stood there quietly, neither one knowing what was happening between them…just knowing that something was.
    Cam’s eyes went to her mouth as the memory of her laughing hit him like a punch to the throat, knocking the air from his lungs and squeezing at his insides. It was a sound that had reverberated through his entire body and he wanted to

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