Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy)

Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy) by Tanith Morse Read Free Book Online

Book: Super Dark (Super Dark Trilogy) by Tanith Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanith Morse
arrived yet?” Frasier asked.
    “Not yet,” I replied.
    “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s on his way. He’s probably just stuck in traffic or something.” Becky sounded more like she was trying to convince herself than anyone else.
    “Looks like you might have been stood up,” Frasier said, taking off his coat and handing it to the girl at the desk. He didn’t see the look Becky threw his way at that remark. When he turned around, he asked, “When does this game start? I’ve got to tell you, Becks, I haven’t a clue how to bowl, so you’re going to have to teach me.”
    I breathed a sigh of relief. “That makes two of us. We can support each other.”
    “Hi, Sam, how are you?” I heard one of the group say.
    I turned and saw it was Hannah. “I’m fine thanks,” I said, flashing my best fake smile.
    Her small piggy eyes narrowed to slits. “Are you guys ready to start yet? Some of us have been here since six.”
    “Well, if we’re taking up too much of your precious time, you can always go home, you know,” Frasier snapped.
    The expression on Hannah’s face was priceless—like a stunned toad. Obviously, she wasn’t used to being spoken to that way, but I loved Frasier at that moment.
    Just as Hannah opened her mouth to respond, her eyes focused on something beyond me. I followed her gaze and saw Lee walking through the front door. He spotted me, waved, and started toward us.
    “Holy mother of god,” Hannah said, putting her hand over her mouth. “Who is that?”
    I didn’t answer. I was too busy trying to control my own breathing. Every female eye was on Lee, and even a number of guys stopped what they were doing to watch him walk across the room. He looked hot as hell in all black and his body had the pumped up glow you get when you’ve just finished a workout at the gym.
    “Lee, you made it!” Becky squealed as she raced over. She seemed to want to hug him, but caught herself just in time. “Let me introduce you to my friends. They’re absolutely dying to meet you. I’ve told them so much about you.”
    Lee flashed his amazing smile and said, “All good, I hope.”
    “Of course, silly,” Becky scolded. “I told them what a wonderful artist you are. Did you bring any of your sketches?”
    “No. I didn’t know I was supposed to,” Lee replied. Then he looked at me. “Hi, Sam. Hi, Frasier. Good to see you guys again.”
    I smiled weakly, hoping I didn’t pass out from forgetting how to breathe. I turned away to hide my embarrassment and walked over to the orange chairs in our lane to put on my bowling shoes. Frasier followed close behind, carrying his ball, a hefty sports bag, and a pair of shoes.
    “Well, Becky certainly looks happy, doesn’t she?” he said quietly as he sat next to me.
    “Yes, she does,” I replied as matter-of-factly as possible.
    I slid on the bowling shoes. They were a bit tight at first, but I quickly got used to them. As I took a few steps, my gaze turned briefly back to what was happening across the room. I just couldn’t help myself. Becky was gesticulating wildly as she introduced Lee to everyone, touching his arm at every opportunity. Lee’s back was turned, so I couldn’t tell how he was taking it all, but I could picture the look of amusement on his face.
    “Okay, let’s see how this works.” Frasier nodded toward the lanes on either side of us, where several of Becky’s friends had begun bowling.
    For the next ten minutes we sat watching the game, trying to figure out the rules. It did look like they were having fun, but I wasn’t looking forward to making a spectacle of myself when my turn came. My sporting ability had always been a bit of a mixed bag. I was great at football, but I sucked at tennis and volleyball. Time would tell about my bowling skills.
    “Hey, are you guys okay over there?” Lee said, prying himself away from Becky for a moment in the lane to our left.
    Frasier smiled and gave him the thumbs up. “We’re good,

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