could shite.
    He looked down at it and shook his head.
Hopefully, Elyne would not request they take the dog. Though she
may be a bit lonesome at first. Perchance he should allow her maid
to accompany them? He would think on it.
    The strange dog seemed fascinated with his
leg, for now it had locked its front legs around his calf and
    "Satan's crossed eyes!"
    The dog humped Graemme as if he was the
hottest bitch in the castle. He jerked his foot off the floor and
shook his leg, but the wiry little devil hung tight, grinding
    "Do not! Ye will hurt him," Elyne called
    She swayed and dodged people as she ran
across the room. When she skidded to a halt beside him, Graemme
turned and raised his brows. Elyne scowled back.
    "Ye didna leave?"
    "A-a-aye, I did," he slowly drawled his
reply. He straightened his leg again and held it off the floor. The
dog held on. Humping and sliding down Graemme's boot. He ended
scrunched up at his ankle. "This...this creature? Ye have a
fondness for it?"
    "I do."
    "I would ken last eve's crone havin' a dog
such as this. But my future bride?"
    She glared at him but when the chief spoke,
she couldn't give him the scornful answer he deserved.
    "The crone? She visited ye and yet ye didna
flee?" He shook his head and struck Graemme's shoulder with his
fist. "Ye will make a worthy son-by-law!"
    "I am not afeared of a crazy old crone's
threats. 'Tis not possible to cause such dire misfortune simply by
saying it will happen."
    "Mayhap ye should have listened more closely,
Sir Graemme." Elyne bent over to pick up the dog, for he had
exhausted himself and released Graemme's leg.
    At the same time, Graemme leaned down to
adjust his boot.
    "Our vows
be said afore Sext at
midday," he murmured for her ears alone.
    "Humph. If ye are still hale and hearty."
Elyne turned her back and put the dog down.
    "Stop fashing around with the stinking dog so
we can eat."
    Broccin's growled words drifted behind him as
he made his way to the high table.
    Graemme was only too glad to sit, having been
up way afore dawn. He had dallied at the last moment, feeling a
tinge of sympathy for the girl whose father cared so little to whom
he married her. He sent Colyne and Brian off to check the village
and surrounding countryside for news of his brother.
    He flushed when the Lady Joneta leaned around
her brother to make mention of the flowers close to Elyne's
    "Elyne, Sir Graemme came across a field of
wild flowers. Are they not lovely?"

    Elyne's eyes widened. She looked at the
colorful flowers and then at the hardened warrior sitting beside
her. This man had taken the time to pick flowers? She swallowed her
    "They are lovely, indeed. Thank ye."
    As Ada and two of cook's helpers hurried
through the doorway carrying steaming bowls of porridge, Elyne felt
a stab of regret. Just a stab. Not enough to change her mind. While
the servants served the other diners, Ada smiled and set a bowl
down in front of Graemme.
    "Ah, porridge. 'Tis healthy to start each day
with gruel."
    "A little milk?"
    Elyne handed him the small pitcher setting
close to her hand. He nodded his thanks and doused the porridge
with it. She watched from the corner of her eye as he started
    She put her hand over her mouth to stifle a
giggle when her father leaned forward to say something to Domnall.
While his back was turned, the dog had stretched tall and took a
quick lap of the chief's porridge. It scampered back at the last
    "He lives dangerously, as does the crone,"
Graemme said with a tinge of menace.
    Elyne knew it was no idle comment but a
warning. The rest of the meal passed quickly, for everyone was too
intent on enjoying the fare to spend time talking. All went well
until Graemme glanced down and saw the little dog sitting on his
hind end, begging.
    "Well, now. Yer legs do ye some good after
all, Squat."
    "Aye. To call him 'dog' is unfair to the
hunting beasts in the castle. Even when walking, he looks to

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