Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series

Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series by Quinn Loftis Read Free Book Online

Book: Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series by Quinn Loftis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Quinn Loftis
that was bouncing around inside her head. In addition to Cassie’s parent’s being missing, now they had dark-elf spies on their ass screwing up their mission to save the world. Didn’t they know it was hard enough to save the world without dark elf spies, especially when the humans they were trying to save didn’t even know they needed saving or want it? It’s like they were attempting to do the largest intervention ever. Betty Ford better get ready for an influx of patients.
    She felt a large, warm hand on her thigh and lifted her head to look over at Cush who was driving their getaway vehicle. Okay, so maybe it really wasn’t a getaway vehicle since they didn’t steal it. They actually rented it with Tony’s credit card―all nice and legal like.
    “How are you?” Cush’s deep voice caressed her. It wasn’t fair that he could make her want to pant from just a simple touch. She wondered if she held any similar power over him.
    “One look from you, Little Raven, that’s all it takes,” she heard him in her thoughts. He had been listening in again. Maybe it should bother her, but honestly she loved the intimacy that it forged between them.
    “I’m sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop and crush our Yukon,” she admitted wryly. “We’ve been driving for three hours now and nothing has happened; it makes me wonder what they’re waiting for.”
    “Maybe we gave them the slip,” Oakley offered from the backseat.
    “Gave them the slip?” Elora scoffed. “What are you, a half dark elf mafia member?”
    “Hey, don’t hate just because I know the lingo,” he shot back.
    “Oakley, I love you. But you’re a dork,” Elora snickered.
    Cush squeezed her leg to get her attention. “Be nice,” he warned, though there was a playful glint in his eyes.
    “Give me a break, warrior. You don’t care if I’m nice. You just don’t like my attention on someone else.” Elora shot him a look that said she totally had his number complete with the single brow raise.
    “Perhaps,” he admitted as he looked back at the road. “But then I told you from the very beginning that I didn’t share well.” He glanced at her again. “Aren’t human males possessive?”
    Lisa and Elora both let out similar snorts of laughter. “Human males might have at one time been possessive, but human women have squashed them like little bugs with a shoe called the feminist movement.”
    “And that is?”
    Elora remembered that Trik had mentioned that Cush didn’t spend much time in the human world, though he tried to keep up with the times. Maybe the 60’s and 70’s had been decades that he hadn’t bothered to keep track of. “It started out as women desiring the same rights that men had. You know―the right to vote, to run for office, to be leaders, to work and make their own money― that sort of thing. They wanted to be a man’s equal.”
    Syndra shook her head interrupting. “Which wasn’t bad, at first. But some people have taken the idea to extremes.”
    Cush’s eyes narrowed as he thought about what Elora had said. She could tell that he had an opinion, and she was honestly curious as to what it was.
    “What are you thinking, warrior?” she finally asked.
    “I can understand them wanting to be able to have the same station in life as a man and be their equal in that manner simply because they are the same species. I guess because I’m not human, maybe it’s different for me. There is no way I would ever consider Elora, my Chosen, as my equal.”
    Elora’s jaw dropped and a hundred words that weren’t so nice formed on her tongue.
    “Let him finish,” Syndra said before Elora could verbally vomit on him.
    “She isn’t my equal because she makes me better―a better man, a better warrior. What man can boast about the ability to bring life into the world? What man can continue to love, setting aside all other negative feelings? What man can say that he understands a compassion that puts all others

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