Sweet Submission (Devil's Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3)

Sweet Submission (Devil's Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Sweet Submission (Devil's Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
director of product design office. The engine piece he was working on lay idle, forgotten. 
    “There’s no way around it,” he thought out loud. He had to talk to them himself and convince them Afia would be in good hands if she married him.
    He tried to put himself in Rashad and Fatima’s shoes. Obviously, like any parents, they only wanted what was best for her. The Aminis had footed the bill on her college and graduate school expenses, and Afia had grown up in a loving and protective household. She hadn’t suffered many of the hardships Sam had had to endure as the son of a single mother, living in poverty in a trailer park. For that, he had to assume her best interest was at the heart of their problem of accepting her relationship with Sam.
    Yet, he couldn’t shake the old sense of not being good enough. Their refusal to accept him transported him back to the days of wearing hand-me-down clothes and being teased by his classmates for having to take government assistance and barely scraping by, how it had felt for everyone to know he was from that wrong side of town and his mother was a drug addict. Sam had labored all his adult life to escape the judgment and disdain from his youth.
    He hadn’t been born with a silver spoon. He had earned his new lifestyle. He was a prosperous, well-educated man, and his income put him in the top tier of middle income, grossing deep into the six figures.  He had a nice home and a career that would only take him higher.  If they were worried about money, they needn’t be.
    He wasn’t a criminal, and he wasn’t a bad man. His past history of juvenile delinquency was behind him. He might be covered in tattoos beneath his business suit, and he wasn’t above slapping on a leather jacket and jeans to blaze over asphalt with a biker gang, but he was sick of being judged. He was worthy, damn it! If Afia could see past the exterior to his inner self, then why couldn’t her parents?
    He was loyal, trustworthy, and hardworking, and he had integrity.  Sam didn’t know what more they could ask—although he knew her Maman and Baba had concerns over his lack of religious affiliation, or rather the fact he wasn’t Muslim, but that couldn’t be helped. Sam had toggled with the idea of converting just to appease Afia’s parents, but he knew it wouldn’t be a sincere move.
    They’d have to accept him as he was.  He ground his teeth and tried to envision how a marriage to Afia would play out without her parents’ support. She’d be miserable.  He couldn’t let that happen. He had to convince Fatima and Rashad that he was the man Afia needed and desired. He wasn’t afraid to take the fight straight to their door, if he had to, because Afia’s delivery had apparently resulted in them leveraging their considerable control over her. But, they couldn’t control him.  Staring out the window of his office at the scenic view beyond the glass, Sam contemplated when and how he should approach them. 
    He knew Afia often spent Saturdays with them for dinner since it was the only day of the week all of them were available to sit down and enjoy one another. Her father was off work on Saturdays. Rayan would probably be skulking around. Her mother, he knew, was a homemaker. She would be there. He only wished he knew more about the family, so he could better plan what to say and do to make the pop-up visit flow as smoothly as possible.
    “Well,” he murmured to himself, “I’ve been in tighter jams and talked my way out.” He tried to have confidence, but the truth was that this was a delicate matter. If he said the wrong thing, he could lose Afia forever. He couldn’t let that happen. He was bound and determined to marry her. Barring gaining her family’s acceptance and permission to press his suit, the only other option was to somehow sneak Afia out of the house.  He sighed.  Either way, someone had to lose.
    “Afia, you have to

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