Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
" offered Cory. " We won ' t tell Kimm why you ' re really there, " he added with a sly laugh.
    A thrill raced through Taffy. Singing with Cory ' s band couldn ' t compare to Hollywood, but it would be a lot more fun than the Media Club.
    " But what about Kimm? " she wondered aloud. " And the guys, too? Won ' t they think it ' s a little funny that I ' m there? "
    " Naw, " Cory assured her. " Craig usually invites Shawnie to rehearsals on Saturdays. That ' s how Shawnie and Kimm got to be friends. "
    So that was it, Taffy thought, frowning. She had wondered how the two of them had gotten so friendly while she was in Hollywood. Keeping an eye on Kimm was another good reason for her to accept Cory ' s invitation.
    " I ' d love to go, " said Taffy, " and if Shawnie ' s going, we ' ll ride over together on our bikes. "
    Shawnie was ecstatic at school the next morning when Taffy mentioned she ' d be going to the rehearsal that Saturday. " That ' s terrific, " she cried. " I knew he ' d ask you to come. You won ' t believe how much fun the rehearsals are. "
    " I ' ll come by for you on my bike, " Taffy volunteered.
    " Great, " said Shawnie. " Then we can ride over and get Kimm. "
    Anger flared in Taffy for an instant, but she tried not to let it show. She didn ' t want Shawnie to know she was jealous.
    " You like Kimm a lot, don ' t you? " she asked cautiously.
    Shawnie nodded. " So will you when you get to know her better. She ' s really nice, and besides that, she ' s . . . well, she ' s interesting. "
    " She seems like an ordinary person to me, " Taffy grumbled.
    Shawnie thought for a moment. " She is an ordinary person. At school she seems like everybody else. But didn ' t I tell you that one of her grandmothers came to this country from China and I learned to eat with chopsticks at her house? I ' ve never known anyone like her before. She ' s fun to be around. Just wait, you ' ll see. "
    Taffy was glad that the bell rang then. They headed for their lockers, Taffy trying to figure out why Shawnie thought Kimm was so fascinating. So what if she was partly Chinese and ate with chopsticks at home? What had she ever done that was as special as making a movie? Maybe going by for Kimm on Saturday was a good idea after all, Taffy decided. It would give her a chance to look Kimm over more closely.
    When the phone rang Saturday morning, Taffy heard her mother answer it and then continue talking. Disappointed that it wasn ' t for her, she started upstairs to her room but stopped midway when she heard her mother calling her.
    " Taffy, honey. Good news. Merry Chase is holding a special acting class this afternoon, and she said you absolutely have to be there. Channing Crandall is in town, and he ' s going to be there, too! Isn ' t that wonderful? "
    Taffy blinked in surprise. Channing Crandall was the Hollywood casting director who had auditioned her for the starring role in Nobody Likes Tiffany Stafford. What on earth was he doing in town?
    Before she could ask, her mother went on, " I ' ll bet he has news about the TV series. Won ' t it be wonderful if he wants you to come back to Hollywood right away? "
    Taffy nodded, but deep inside she wasn ' t sure. She missed Hollywood terribly, but things were going so well here now that . . . Cory! Taffy jumped as if she had been stuck with a pin. How could she have forgotten about Cory and about going to The Dreadful Alternatives ' rehearsal this afternoon?
    " Mom, I ' m— "
    " You ' ll have to forget about any plans you have with your friends this afternoon, " Mrs. Sinclair interrupted as if she had read Taffy ' s mind. " This is much too important. "
    Taffy raced up to her room and slammed the door behind her, sprawling across her bed. She needed time to think. What if there was going to be a television series based on the movie? And what if she was chosen to play Tiffany Stafford again? It would mean living half the year in Hollywood and half the year at home.
    " I almost lost my best

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