Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
friend when I was gone for only six weeks, " she said aloud. " What would happen if I left for six months ? "
    She closed her eyes tightly and pulled the pillow over her head, not wanting to think about such a possibility.
    " On the other hand, " she argued a moment later, tossing the pillow aside and sitting up, " maybe Chan ning Crandall just happened to be in this part of the country and decided to stop in and say hello. After all, he travels all over the United States looking for talented actors and actresses. "
    Reluctantly Taffy went to the phone and called Cory, telling him she would have to miss his rehearsal.
    " It ' s some kind of special acting class, " she explained, being careful not to mention Channing Crandall or what his presence might mean. " I have to go. Mother laid down the law. Maybe I can come to rehearsal next Saturday, " she added hopefully.
    " Sure, " Cory said without much enthusiasm.
    Next Taffy called Shawnie, giving her the same story.
    " Gosh, that ' s too bad, " said Shawnie. " I know you would have had a blast. I guess Kimm and I will have to go without you. "
    Taffy started to say good-bye, but Shawnie spoke again.
    " Are you sure you can ' t get out of going to acting class? " she asked.
    " Positive, " said Taffy. " Why? "
    " Well, " Shawnie said slowly, " I may be wrong, but I think that Kimm has a crush on Cory. "
    Taffy put down the receiver a moment later and stared into space. Now what am I going to do? she thought .

    Ta ffy climbed into the car beside her mother and slumped against the door. She stared out the window, but she didn ' t really see anything. She was thinking about her conversation with Shawnie. What if Shawnie was right about Kimm ' s crush on Cory? What did Cory think of Kimm? Was he as fascinated with her as Shawnie was? Kimm certainly was pretty with her long, dark hair and her almond-shaped eyes. Anything could happen between Cory and Kimm if Taffy had to return to Hollywood for six long months.
    When Taffy and her mother arrived at The Merry Chase Acting Studio, Channing Crandall was standing at the front of the classroom conferring with Merry Chase. He had silver hair and a California tan, and he wore large diamond rings on both hands and a heavy gold chain on one wrist.
    " Hello, Taffy, " he called out.
    Just as Taffy started to return his greeting, her mother rushed forward and began shaking his hand. " Oh, Mr. Crandall, it ' s so good to see you again, " she gushed. " Is it possible that you have some good news for us today? "
    Taffy looked around in embarrassment. Why did her mother always have to make a big scene? The other boys and girls had stopped their talking, and everyone was looking at her mother and Channing Crandall.
    " Come on, Mother, " she urged. " Let ' s sit down. "
    " It ' s all right, Taffy, " said the casting director. " I understand your mother ' s concern. As a matter of fact, things look good for the TV series. We ' ll know definitely in a couple of weeks, as soon as the movie is shown on television. "
    " Oh, thank you, Mr. Crandall. Thank you so much, " said Mrs. Sinclair.
    Just then Merry Chase raised her hand for quiet, and Taffy and her mother found seats.
    " Good afternoon, loves, " said Merry Chase in her deep, throaty voice.
    " Good afternoon, Merry Chase, " called out the students.
    Taffy sighed. It was always the same.
    " I ' m sure all of you recognize Channing Crandall, the casting director from Hollywood who was here a few months ago and auditioned our own Taffy Sinclair for her movie role, " said Merry Chase.
    A ripple of excitement flowed through the crowd. Merry Chase pierced the air with a blood red fingernail, signaling quiet, and went on. " He ' s here today looking for more talented boys and girls, because if Nobody Likes Tiffany Stafford does become a television series, there will be room for more actresses and actors in the cast. He ' d like to see each of you perform. "
    All around her kids were going

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