Taking a Chance

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Book: Taking a Chance by KC Ann Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Ann Wright
tablecloths cloaked the tables and were accented with black and white linens. Atop the tables were enormous arrangements in varying heights created with all different white flowers. Maddie smelled the fragrance of fresh flowers due to the sheer quantity in the room. Hanging from the twenty-foot ceilings at different lengths were black and white lanterns.
    “Wow, this place looks fantastic! I understand why you said not to wear black, but I feel like I’m the only one not in black or white. I don’t want to stand out too much.”
    He laughed. “That’s exactly what I wanted. Everyone will be staring at you and you’re with me, so that makes me happy.”
    “Are you sure it’s okay that I’m wearing a color? I wasn’t supposed to wear black or white, was I?”
    “No. Other women will wear a color, just not many. Most people here prefer to blend in with the crowd. Shall we get a drink?”
    “Yes, please.”
    As they walked toward one of the bar areas a man approached Todd.
    “Congratulations, Todd. I couldn’t have picked a more deserving recipient myself.”
    “Thank you, Dr. Hernandez. That means a lot coming from you.”
    “Why was he congratulating you, Todd?” Maddie asked as they turned away. “I have the feeling there might be more to this dinner than you told me.”
    “You sound like my mother scolding me.” He chuckled and Maddie blushed. “An award is given out every year and I happen to be the recipient this year. Sorry to keep it from you, but I was afraid if I told you that you might not come and I really wanted to see you.”
    Everything was starting to make sense now. She understood why he could not be late and the comment about taking pictures. She wished he had been honest, but she also knew if he had told her, she probably would have turned down the invitation.
    “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” She tried to scold him, but even she didn’t believe the tone in her voice.
    He chuckled as they continued toward the bar area. They each ordered a glass of champagne and began mingling. During the reception, they had several short conversations with many couples. Maddie noticed people watching them, which she assumed was because he was the honored guest. After about an hour of cocktails, everyone made their way to the tables for dinner.
    Again, even the food impressed Maddie with each course being more artistic than the one prior. Besides looking beautiful, every dish tasted divine. As Maddie put the last bite of short ribs in her mouth, she realized she had devoured every single bit of food.
    “Wow, I can’t believe I just ate all that,” Maddie said.
    “Well, I do have to say, you did enjoy every last bite.”
    “Thanks for noticing. It makes a girl feel good to know her date is aware she just stuffed her face.”
    “Maddie, you would have to eat a hundred of those meals to make a difference on you. I’m just happy you enjoyed everything!”
    Even though they had not had a lot of one-on-one time, Maddie was learning a lot about Todd. His peers respected him and he was passionate about his work. Easy going and personable, Maddie had grown comfortable around him. Sitting next to him as his date felt natural.
    As they served dessert, the MC for the event, Dr. Hernandez, stepped up to the podium on stage. He spoke about Todd being the youngest doctor to receive the award and how they were looking forward to seeing where his career would take him. After he finished his speech and waited for Todd to come up and accept the award, he commented, “Prior to this, Dr. Anderson always won the most eligible bachelor award. But, as we can see tonight, it appears Dr. Anderson may no longer be on the market.”
    Maddie blushed as she realized why everyone had been watching them.
    Todd accepted with a quick, but passionate speech. Finally, he thanked everyone for attending and turned toward Maddie. “I would also like to thank my beautiful date, Maddie, for being so supportive this

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