Taking a Chance

Taking a Chance by KC Ann Wright Read Free Book Online

Book: Taking a Chance by KC Ann Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Ann Wright
his grandchildren. His face always lit up when he talked about them and Maddie loved hearing the stories.
    Sid was in his early sixties and still handsome. Much like her father, even though fully gray, he still had a full head of hair. He was very active and loved biking. The stories he told about his long rides and competitions always amazed Maddie. With a mind like a steel trap, Maddie swore he remembered every detail of every conversation. It gave her comfort knowing he was the person watching their building.
    Sid’s wife had passed away a few years earlier after battling cancer for many years. Sid had been a high-level executive at an investment firm downtown but had retired soon after she had passed away. Losing his drive for the corporate world after losing Emily but not wanting to stay at home, he had decided to spend a few days a week as a doorman at a building near his home just to keep busy. He told Maddie he had fallen in love with the job and now many weeks he worked five or six days.
    Sid had known about Maddie’s break-up the day it happened. She had called to tell him George was not allowed up to her condo. She had immediately changed the locks and codes, but was afraid if she did not tell Sid, George would con his way up to her place. That was not something she ever wanted to come home to.
    “It looks like your prince for the evening has arrived, mademoiselle,” Sid bowed and waved his hand the direction of the limo as it pulled up.
    Maddie turned as Todd stepped out. A look of appreciation spread over his face as he saw her. “Hi, Maddie.” He gave her a quick hug. “You look gorgeous,” he said as he pulled away from her.
    “Thank you,” Maddie said, “and you look pretty good yourself.” She laughed as she said it and some of the nerves eased.
    “I really didn’t expect you to be downstairs already, but it certainly was a pleasant surprise. Are you ready to go?”
    “Absolutely, seven o’clock on the dot. I’m ready to see what this evening is all about.”
    Todd placed his hand on her back to guide her as they turned to walk toward the car. After she slid into the limo, he closed the door and walked around to the other side.
    A bouquet of stunning pink roses lay on the seat next to Maddie. She also noticed a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. She wondered how often Todd did this and was concerned that she might have misjudged him. Hoping he did not think she was going to be some easy one-night stand kind of girl, her nerves kicked up a bit.
    She turned to him as he settled in. “Todd, it’s been a long time since I’ve been on a first date, and I hope you understand I need to take things slow.”
    “Maddie,” he reached out and took her hand, “I haven’t been on a first date in a while either. I know this may appear cheesy with the flowers and champagne, but I really just wanted to make sure everything was perfect. I was afraid you had guys trying to impress you all the time, so I didn’t want to fall short.”
    Not sure if that was just a line or he was being honest, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and smiled.
    Their car pulled up to the building and Todd jumped out when the chauffeur opened the door. He waved and smiled to a couple walking up to the building. Her nerves returned. The evening was his show and she would not know anyone. She didn’t want him to feel like he had to entertain her, especially if he needed to mingle with other people. The couple he had waved to both looked at her as she stepped out and each raised their eyebrows before turning back again.
    Todd and Maddie rode the elevator up with three other couples. As Maddie stepped out, she gasped. The event was even more glamorous than she had expected.
    Waiters and waitresses roamed between the guests carrying silver trays of appetizers and champagne. The waiters had on black tuxedos with tails and the waitresses were in long black dresses. All of the servers wore white gloves.
    Black silk

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