Taking Her There

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Book: Taking Her There by Olivia Brynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Brynn
dream.” She went back to focusing on her bare foot, and he went back to trying to make sense of her visit. “But when I get paid for something I do—even though it’s not a tangible product—that’s what we call a job.”
    Andre turned away from her. “I must be sleep deprived. I can’t make sense out of whatever you’re trying to say.” Twenty minutes ago, he’d been elated to finally finish his piece. And it had turned out better than he’d originally planned. Now he’d lost his job…or had he? He dragged both hands down his face.
    His thoughts were interrupted when she slid her cool hands up his chest just as she plastered herself against his back. “We can talk later. First, let’s give that whole sleeping-together thing a try.”
    “What? Now?” He must be dead on his feet, because he didn’t even resist when she took his hand and tugged him down the hallway and into the bedroom.
    “Sleep. In the literal sense. You look like you haven’t closed your eyes since our nap yesterday.”
    She left him standing in the middle of the room and pulled the comforter aside before reaching beneath her T-shirt to release her bra.
    Andre watched, half entranced by her unaffected show and still very confused. “What about Luke?”
    “Not invited. This is a private party.”
    “Don’t worry about Luke. He’s the last person I want to think about right now.” She stepped out of her cutoff shorts but left her boyleg underwear. “Just know that he’s gone and he won’t be back. We can discuss all the details after a few hours’ sleep.”
    He went willingly as she slipped between the sheets and pulled him in beside her, sweatpants and all. He adjusted his body around hers, his brain trying like hell to make sense of what was going on, but Angeline was here. In his bed. Not much else seemed to matter. He squeezed her.
    “What are you doing here?” He spoke into her hair. “Did you just fire me?”
    Snuggling up against him, she planted a kiss right above his nipple. “Your job description just changed, that’s all.”
    “Hm. Gigolo?”
    “You wish. No, I fully expect you to earn your room and board, just not as my driver.” She traced a circle around his nipple. “As a full-time artist, I expect you’ll find several projects and clients, as well as an original for my game room.”
    “Hm.” It started to sink in, but he was exhausted and not thinking clearly. It hit him harder now that he’d lain down. “Maybe you’ll make more sense when I wake up.”
    “Listen, when I first moved to LA, I had to work my ass off with two lousy jobs just to live in a shitty studio apartment I shared with another girl. There are hundreds— thousands of actors out there just trying to get noticed, to land that one part that will make the difference between a credited role and another week eating ramen noodles. I didn’t have help. And while that should have turned me into a more compassionate person, all it really did was made me a spoiled little bitch who thought that by struggling my way to the top, I deserved nothing less.
    “I want to give back. Even if it’s just reduced rent in this one-bedroom apartment while you make it big. I mean, I don’t want you to think I’m emasculating you or trying to buy a bed partner. Just think of our arrangement as a live-in artist. All the badass medieval royalty had those, right? Then you can thank me when you get your…whatever award artists get.”
    He chuckled. “You’re outrageous.”
    “That’s what I hear.”
    “I thought you were reforming.”
    “I thought you liked outrageous.”

Chapter Five
    “Take us home, Paul.”
    “Right away.”
    Angeline kicked off her heels and curled up against Andre’s side. “I told you they’d love it.”
    He draped his arm over her shoulders and squeezed her tight. “I still can’t believe my artwork is hanging at the governor’s mansion.” The limousine rolled through the gates behind a Bentley and

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