Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
Jackal’s are just stealing them from him, like they are planning to do with this shipment.” Tank finished, seeing nods of agreement around the table.
    “Humm…we need to figure out if this is a single person or a group , too. We also need to be sure that whoever this is doesn’t supply the Jackal’s with any more hardware. I for one don’t want the Jackal’s having access to that kind of weaponry. We’ve already been hit with bombs twice. We don’t want them shooting us with missile launches next time.” Bone thundered, standing up to pace beside the table. “We were damned lucky that they weren’t expecting us the last few times we raided them. Those raids could have went very differently if they had used the weapons they’ve been collecting.” Bone’s face was grim, and every man in the room knew that this war was about to get serious.
    Shit was about to hit the fan in a big way. If the Jackal’s decided to start attacking with the hardware they’d been finding they weren’t going to be able to keep their family safe. That was something none of them was too happy about. That meant that they needed to nip this shit in the bud, quickly.
    “We need to start working our contacts. We need to see if we can find out who this Louie person is . We can’t allow the Jackal’s to gather anymore of this kind of hardware. We need to get to this Louie and impress upon him the understanding that the Red Devils are not going to allow him to keep selling these guns to them if he is doing so. We need to show him the error of his ways. And if he’d not selling these weapons to him we can help him clean up his house. Them knowing about the drop means he’s got a leak.” Tank grumbled.
    “Damn, I really wish that we could just use one of those rocket launchers in your basement to take out those asswipes.” Tiny complained, receiving nods of agreement from several of the other men crowded around the table.
    “Yep, it’s too damned bad that they tend to surround themselves with a bunch of innocent people.” Log piped in.
    “Yeah , that sucks.” Tiny muttered. “I’ll have to put the word out we’re looking for information on this Louie guy. Damn, I hate leaving Racheal.” He frowned.
    “Good, now we need to talk about the Headhunters. They need to be watched too. With them joining the Jackal’s we need to keep our eyes out for trouble from that sector. They seem to be gathering in a town near Titus. I want more men sent to keep our numbers in that area high. I don’t want any surprises. They could attack and before we could get the man power there they could take over. We need to be prepared if they attack.” Bone told them.
    “What about the farm?” Trick asked.
    “I don’t know what the hell’s going on there either. It’s strange, even with the equipment being old there shouldn’t be so many break downs. Tick’s working on it, but I’m sending him some extra men as well.” Bone replied. Earning nods and grunts of agreement. Why did those Jackal’s always have to cause problems? The whole club was on edge because of it, and it was pissing them all off. 
    When were they going to realize that the Devils weren’t going to allow them to take over even a tiny part of their territory?
    Tank watched the other men file out of the room twenty minutes later. Bone had asked him to stay for a moment. From the gleam of amusement in the other man’s eyes he was sure he knew what it was about, but he stayed put on the off chance it was important. When the last man, Tiny, left he shut the door behind him. Bone smiled and the first words he said made Tank pissed that he had stayed.
    “So, heard you took a stray home.” He teased.
    “She’s not a damned pet, asshole.” Tank growled, angrily. He wasn’t surprised that the man already knew about Annie. He knew how the rumor mill was with this family. Hell, half the time he was one of the ones moving that gossip along, but it was a pain in the ass

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