Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4)

Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Tank's Redemption: Red Devils M.C. (Red Devils MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
when it involved him. His and Annie’s…whatever it was they had wasn’t something he wanted bouncing around in the rumor mill.
    “ Well, no, she’s not. We both know what it means when a man gives a women his real name, and then takes her home in this club.” Bone laughed, wiggling his eye brows suggestively.
    “Shut up! I do n’t know why I gave her my name. She didn’t like the name Tank, and it just popped out.” Tank roared.
    “Uh-hum…I see. That happens all the time…wait , no it doesn’t” Bone chuckled, falling into his chair he was laughing so hard.
    “Dickhead, if that’s all you’re going to talk about I’m leaving.” He stood, storming out the door hearing Bone’s loud laughter and his last cutting remark follow him.
    “Yep, better get home, your property’s waiting!” Tank threw a bird over his shoulder at the other man as he stormed out, heading home to Annie.

Chapter 6
    Tank entered his house, surprised and not a little embarrassed to find the living room clean. He shouldn’t have left it for so long. If Aunt Mae had seen his place a few hours ago she would have skinned him alive. Heading upstairs to Annie’s room, with an apology ready. Prepared to offer to cook her dinner, he was surprised that she wasn’t in his guest room. He began searching for her, she couldn’t have left the house. Fuck, unless she called Katie. Damn, he thought, standing in the kitchen. He happened to look over at the basement door and saw it was ajar, oh fuck. Hopefully she hadn’t gone down there. If she had then she most likely called Katie to come get her away from the crazy gun fanatic.
    He headed down the stairs. Finding Annie standing in the middle of his collection, holding a rocket launcher, correctly. Huh… that was surprising, most people held that wrong. He fell just a little bit in love with her in that moment. She must be the one for him, and that was what the universe was telling him. Staring at her holding the gun made his guts clench in desire. Fuck, she was sexy as fuck holding that launcher. 
    He must have made a sound because she whirled around to look at him. Holding the launcher pointed at him for a moment before she dropped her guard. Yep, she was sexy as fuck. He thought, feeling his dick throb with the need to grab her and thrust her against the nearest wall to fuck her blind. Shaking his head in order to clear that hot visual, he walked a few steps forward.
    “Where did you get these?” Annie demanded, they were her mother’s guns and she needed to know how they were getting them. Shit, she really hoped that the Devil’s weren’t the ones who’d raided her mother’s warehouse six months ago. Her mother had nearly shot the top of her head off over that one. She could remember her ranting for hours on end.
    “Most are from raids, some I bought. Why?” Tank replied, looking at her in confusion.
    “Huh…raids on who?” She demanded, cringing a bit on the inside when he stared at her suspiciously. Damn, maybe she should have asked that more casually.
    “Jackal’s, and I am not telling you anymore. It’s club business, so don’t ask.” Tank told her, with a frown marring his brow.
    “What’s the big deal? It’s just a question.” Annie asked, looking adorably confounded.
    Tank grumbled under his breath be fore he replied, “Club business isn’t for women or outsiders.”
    “That’s sexist! Why can’t women know about whatever they want to?” Annie grumbled.
    “Because women need to be protected. Now, let me have that and I will put it away. ” Tank reached out, taking the launcher from her suddenly loose grip, she watched him put it away with her mouth hanging open in surprise. Had the man really just said that to her? He could not have just said that totally idiotic thing could he? She was not the little woman who shouldn’t worry her pretty little head about anything. She was not a porcelain doll who needed her big strong man to take care of

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