Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation
foundation of tantra and the biological basis of the orgasmic experience.
    Of particular significance is that these two forces are equal. One is not more, one is not less; they are balanced, even. However, these poles simultaneously exist as opposite forces in relation to each other. The poles are equal forces, but opposite forces, not identical forces. Male represents an outgoing—“positive” or dynamic—force. Female represents a receptive—“negative” or passive—force.
    The qualities of receptive and dynamic are diametrically opposite, and at the same time, they are equal and opposite and complement each other. They balance, correspond, and enhance each other, and one cannot exist without the other. Just as electricity requires two poles, positive and negative, no being or body can be without two poles, masculine and feminine, the universal forces of yin and yang.
    Dynamic and Receptive Poles
    In the male body the male, positive pole is represented in the genitals, the female, receptive pole in the chest/heart. The reverse is true for woman; the male, positive pole is in the breasts/nipples/heart, the female, receptive pole is in the genitals. When man and woman are in an upright, standing position, man can be visualized as a magnet standing on its head, with the positive (north) pole below and the negative (south) pole above. The woman is like a magnet standing upright: the positive (north) pole is above and the negative (south) pole is below.
    Magnets Meet at Opposite Ends
    When a man and a woman come together in an embrace, for instance, their bodies actually meet with energetically opposite ends aligned. The positives and negatives of each individual approach and meet simultaneously at the genital and heart levels. The inner rods of magnetism (as mentioned in the previous chapter as the source of the orgasmic state) flow in opposite directions to each other. When two magnets meet at opposite ends, there is an attractive force that pulls them together. And the same “magnetic” attraction can also be felt between male and female bodies. There is a perceptible drawing and pulling sensation as the equal and opposite forces influence each other. In addition, there is tremendous amplification of the magnetic or energy fields surrounding the two magnets/bodies.
    The Dynamic Male Force
    A man’s body contains two poles, but the male dynamic aspect is the outer aspect, while the female (receptive) is his inner aspect. In a woman’s body the reverse is true. The female receptive aspect is outer, and the male (dynamic) aspect is her inner aspect. One aspect is externalized, but both aspects are always present. Generally speaking, this implies that physically and energetically the man, predominantly male, is a dynamic force, while the woman, predominantly female, is a receptive force. Man does not have to take any direct action to connect with his feminine side, or his so-called inner woman. The more truly male man becomes through a relaxed, non-doing presence in sex, the more his opposite feminine quality of love will naturally and gradually open up. There will be a balancing within him. Similarly, a woman will access her “inner man” by relaxing increasingly into her feminine nature. The harmonizing inner opposite emerges and flowers as an alchemical process, as an outcome or a by-product.
    Figure 4.1 shows the inner magnets of a man and woman with poles, magnetic rod, and potential circular energy flow while sitting in yab-yum position.
    Genitals—Equal and Opposite Forces
    The qualities of these forces, the intrinsically different polarities of man and woman, extend down to the level of the genital tissues. The shape of the male penis informs us that it is an instrument from which energy can flow or emanate. Likewise, the vagina is shaped as a canal or receptor with an innate capacity to receive, absorb, or draw out the opposite force.
    Energetically and physically our equal and opposite forces are

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