That Dating Thing

That Dating Thing by Mackenzie Crowne Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: That Dating Thing by Mackenzie Crowne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackenzie Crowne
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, sensual, dog
look her way. “Sil can pitch her own ideas. She handles the foundation’s business. I train dogs.”
    She turned away at the unexpected flash of disappointment in Coop’s eyes and the moment passed, but despite Rylee’s lack of cooperation, Sil plowed ahead with her matchmaking strategy. Over the next hour, she grilled Coop on his life, interspersing her nosy questions with humorous memories from Rylee’s childhood. Brian, the idiot, eagerly assisted.
    Like a deviant tag-team, they traded stories of the juvenile pranks. Although Adam and Brian were the architects of most, Sil focused on Rylee’s participation in their fiascos. Her aunt’s agenda was so obvious, by the time dinner ended Rylee wanted to clobber Sil over the head with her fairy-godmother wand.
    For his part, Coop appeared amused by Sil’s blatant machinations. After that rejected invitation to meet his friends, he backed off from anything personal. He joined in the friendly banter around the table, laughing at himself as quickly as he did others, while Rylee wavered between relief and regret. But for the specter of her father’s crimes, Coop was a man she would enjoy getting to know. Allowing herself that pleasure, however, would only end in disaster. One more disappointment to place at her father’s feet.
    Sil didn’t share her concerns. When Rylee rose to slip downstairs to check on the dogs, Sil suggested Coop join her. To Rylee’s surprise, he didn’t hesitate, admitting a desire to meet the infamous Pippin.
    “She’s not very subtle, is she?” he said the moment the door shut behind them.
    “No, she isn’t.” Rylee moved across the balcony and he followed. “Sorry about all of that.” She tossed her head toward the condo door. “She can’t help herself. Women born south of the Mason-Dixon Line carry a matchmaking gene.” She paused at the top of the stairs. “Look, you don’t have to do this. In fact, why don’t you go back inside? It would serve Sil right to discover her plan has failed.”
    “Now, why would I do that?”
    She blinked. Huh? What did he mean by that? He didn’t want to hurt Sil’s feelings by letting her know her plan hadn’t worked? Or he didn’t want to go back inside because he thought Sil’s plan had merit? The first option made her heart pulse with approval, the second made it pound with panic. The competing erratic beats made her light-headed.
    God, she needed a defibrillator.
    But she wouldn’t touch his comment with a ten-foot pole. She shrugged, starting down the stairs. “Suit yourself.”
    “She obviously loves you,” he said, following. “And wants to see you happy.”
    “And I love her, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy strangling her sometimes.”
    His quiet chuckle wafted over her like a warm breeze, and made the fine hairs on her arms stand at attention. She rolled her shoulders and hastened her descent to the first floor.
    “She raised you, I gather?”
    “From the time I was eleven.”
    “There’s no family resemblance. Was her late husband your natural uncle?”
    Rylee hesitated. She lived by the rule that the less people understood her familial ties, the better. Coop, however, was now a part of her extended family. The closer she stuck to the truth the better.
    “Sil is my mother’s cousin. She and Adam took me in and made me a part of their family when I was left alone.” She reached the ground floor, pulled out her key and changed the subject. “Pippin is bound to be excited, so I apologize if he acts up a little. He’s come a long way, but tends to forget his training when he’s been left alone for any length of time.”
    She opened the door and stepped inside. Belle trotted out from the hallway, her docked tail ticking out her pleasure like a metronome on speed.
    “There’s my girl.” Rylee rubbed the dog’s side. The Boxer leaned against her leg in a body hug. Excited barking echoed from the back of the condo. “Pippin, quiet,” Rylee called. The

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