That Dating Thing

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Book: That Dating Thing by Mackenzie Crowne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackenzie Crowne
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, sensual, dog
barking stopped.
    “Nice trick.” Coop shook the paw Belle offered, less reluctantly than the first time.
    “Greeting someone properly is important to Belle. She’s very polite.”
    “I meant the barking,” he corrected, straightening.
    She grinned. “I told you he’d be excited. Come on. I’ll introduce you.”
    “Holy shit!”
    Coop stopped just inside a room resembling a small pet store, without all the pets. Cages of various sizes lined the walls, from two-feet square to something he swore he’d seen on TV, lowered over the side of a boat by shark experts. The beast inside the shark cage all but danced in anticipation of his freedom.
    “Sorry,” he said belatedly. “But that is not a dog. That’s a barnyard experiment gone wrong.”
    Rylee laughed, held out her arm and did something with her hand. The excited Great Dane dropped to his butt and waited while she worked the latch. In case the huge dog’s docile behavior was a ruse, Coop scanned the room for possible weapons. None appeared, and even if one had, he wouldn’t have had a chance to use it. The dog burst from the opened cage, knocking Rylee over in his haste, and charged Coop.
    Rylee’s shout barely registered as Coop stumbled backward and went down under the power of the dog’s running leap. Belle’s frantic barking added to the melee.
    “Oh, God. Pippin!”
    One hundred-sixty pounds of fur-covered muscle, lolling tongue, and sharp white teeth straddled Coop where he lay sprawled in the doorway. To his relief, the dog didn’t use the teeth. The tongue was another story.
    “Pippin, back,” Rylee commanded.
    Doing his best to dodge Pippin’s sloppy lashing, Coop caught a glimpse of Rylee, crawling across the floor on her hands and knees. Pippin landed one last, wet swipe to Coop’s chin before he managed to get hold of the dog’s collar. Straightening his arms and sitting up, Coop forced the dog back several steps. Rylee reached for Pippin’s collar, scrambling to her feet and tugging him back even farther.
    “Oh, dear God, are you all right?” Her eyes were wide with dismay. “Did he hurt you?”
    “Only my pride.” Coop used his sleeve to wipe his face.
    “I am so sorry.”
    “I’m fine, Rylee,” he tried to reassure her, but she spoke over him.
    “He’s still struggling with jumping when he’s excited, but he’s never done anything like that before. Are you sure you aren’t hurt?”
    Coop climbed to his feet, dusting himself off. “I’m fine.”
    Pippin yanked and twisted, trying to break her grip. “Pippin, heel!”
    “Let him go.”
    “No way in hell.” Eyes saucer-big, she turned her body to block the excited dog. “He wasn’t trying to hurt you, Coop. I’ll just put him back in the cage until you’re gone.”
    “I realize that, Rylee, but he needs to know he can’t do that type of thing.”
    “I agree, but—”
    “He didn’t tackle you , Rylee. Let him go.”
    Indecision shadowed her eyes and she shook her head.
    “He’ll be fine. I promise. Just let him go. Now.”
    She swallowed, her gaze darting down to the straining dog and back. “Easy Pippin,” she soothed. Despite her obvious unease, she uncurled her fingers from the thick collar.
    The Great Dane bounded across the space in a flash. Excitement shone in his ebony eyes. His muscles bunched as he leapt. Coop stepped aside and flung out his arm, clotheslining the beast. The jolt ricocheted up Coop’s shoulder. Stopped short, Pippin slammed to the floor. Coop followed, straddling him before the dog could scramble back to his feet.
    “Down,” Coop said sharply. After several long moments, the dog stopped struggling and dropped his large head to the floor. His chest heaved from exertion, but he relaxed. “Stay.”
    Coop rose to his feet. Pippin didn’t move.
    Rylee stared open-mouthed. “If things don’t work out for you in the D.A.’s office,” she said, “you’ve got yourself a job here anytime.” He chuckled and

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