The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1)

The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) by Dana Journey Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) by Dana Journey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Journey
first come to my new school.  I looked on the opposite page.  All it read was ‘In the Keepers personal cache unknown magical powers.’  In small print near the bottom it said, ‘Very dangerous ancient magic.’  I continued through the book and saw amazing swords and axes.  Jes would give almost anything to have some of these weapons.  There were even pictures of the Guards and the Keeper.  I flipped through the pages quickly, hoping to see Juleen, but she was absent. 
    I looked up out of frustration and realized my candle had almost burnt down.  “Well, ” I thought out loud “Time for bed.”  I leaned over and extinguished the light.       
    Midway through the third week I realized I still had not seen Juleen once, nor had I eaten anything.  Still, I never felt hunger; I shrugged this off thinking that it had to have been just a part of the magic of the Library.
    Forgetting about my lack of nourishment I returned to my continuous wandering of the Library’s corridors. 
    “Lyndon I must speak with you.” 
    “Who said that?” I said.
    “It is I the Librarian,” said a figure hidden in the shadows.
    “But, I thought you could not speak,” I replied.
    “I always could, I just chose not to, but now it is the time for words.  You must leave this place, and leave immediately.”  The urgency in his voice frightened me.
    “Why, I don’t think that I am ready.  The Keeper has said that for a while now.” 
    “He has just kept you here until he found the right way to end the Library’s protection.”  He stepped out of the darkness and I could see the fear on his face.  “We cannot allow him to end the fire.  I have learned things here that in the wrong hands would consume hundreds even thousands of lives.  I fear that I cannot tell you either, but now that I have grown to know you, I know that you are pure of heart and want to help.  There is one thing that you must know for your future.  Magic can be the most powerful and effective if thought and not spoken.  That is all, you must leave.  Take the door behind you and you will meet Juleen with your belongings.  Take her with you and please hurry.  Both of you are destined for much more than this Library can provide.”  With that, he turned and slipped out of sight behind a wall of books.  I grabbed the book the Librarian had given me and left.  He had no need to lie to me, and I strangely understood what he meant about not needing to speak, as I have felt that way previously.   
    The man had been correct; Juleen was indeed waiting for me.  In her hands she held my cloak, my bag, and a small scroll.  The scroll I had completely forgotten about until I saw it in her grasp.  I took my belongings and spoke.  “What now?”
    “Follow me.” She led me through a series of doors and corridors.  While we walked I looked at her wondering why I had never seen her walking about the Library before.  Trying to lighten the mood I said “I have been meaning to ask, but all the while I have been here I have not eaten.  Do you know the reason I am not dying of hunger?” 
    She looked over her shoulder, confused, “eat, what is this ‘eat’ you speak of?”  Before I could respond we came to a small dark room with no lights, the magic fire didn’t illuminate this deep part of the library.
    “Where are we…?”  I could not finish my sentence for a large section of the wall suddenly collapsed, leaving a cloaked man holding a white sword.

    The way back to the Flying Horse had given Jes plenty of time to form his plans.  He had realized that the thieves’ guild must have had no idea that there was a second entrance or they would have cleaned the place out.  His only fear was maybe there was no way in, then what?   But these thoughts didn’t dissuade him.  All places have a second entrance; there must be a way in , Jes thought.
    Ale was sounding very nice as Jes neared the Flying Horse.   The Flying

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