The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1)

The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) by Dana Journey Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Apprentices (The Crimson Guard Trilogy Book 1) by Dana Journey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Journey
Horse was an imposing building with a thick metal and wood railing.  Jes admired the craftsmanship as he entered the alehouse, and to his surprise it was packed.  There were no tables open except one on the far side of the room, and for some reason everyone was avoiding it.  Jes took a seat at the bar so he could face the empty table.  
    Soon enough Jes had found out why, a small band of men had parted the rest of the crowd and took up residence at the solitary table.  Looking as if they were regulars, they knew why everyone else had been staying clear, but tonight these men were looking for a fight.  Jes saw the white sword hilt first and then the silence was complete.  Everyone in the ale house was still; even the drunk men who could not stay upright in their chairs were quiet. 
    The men seated at the table were whispering to one another. When the cloaked man spoke his voice was normal pitched for a man, but the lisp seemed odd.  “Pleassse sssirsss thisss isss my table, and I would like no trouble tonight.”
    “Well then if you don’t want any trouble, maybe you should find another table.”  The older man sitting was the one who answered.  To Jes they seemed to be slavers.
    “Thisss hasss alwaysss been my table and I have paid for it.  Ssso if you be ssso kind and would move.”  The kindness in the cloaked man’s voice was very surprising to Jes.
    “No, I do not think that we will move tonight Animal Man,” said the old man in a stern voice.
    The stance of the cloaked man changed drastically, and Jes knew that he must have not liked being called Animal Man.  The owner had just arrived at the table when the old man had finished. 
    “Please, we do not need any violence tonight, please just move.  This man has paid for the table and if you would like it, then you must pay.”  None of the slavers seemed to have heard the owner.  Nor did the owner see the knife slide out of one of the slavers’ pockets and make its way to the owner’s heart. 
    Jes saw it and was about to warn the unsuspecting victim when the murdered man’s arm fell to the floor.  In its place was a huge white blade.  The cloaked man had also seen the weapon and then proceeded to disarm the man holding the knife, literally.  That man is incredibly fast thought Jes, and the sword I must have.  Slowly Jes made his way to the front of the crowd. 
    When he arrived, he found three bodies sprawled out on the floor.  That is when Jes made his move.  Any normal man Jes would have killed in one strike.  The knife was perfectly aimed and should have found its way into the cloaked man’s heart.  Instead, Jes found himself staring at the edge of a massive white sword.  On closer inspection he could see that it was not shaped like a broad sword with straight sides and a tapered point.  It actually was curved like a cutlass, the only difference was that it was huge and had no dull edges.  How fascinating Jes thought as he rolled away. 
    Blood dripped from Jes’ little, short sword.  “Ah, it looks like I got you.  How long has it been since you last saw your blood?” 
    “Far too long, I thought that I might have become invincible,” was the cloaked man’s reply.
    “So would you like to take this outside or would you rather I kill you here.”  The crowd was stunned by Jes’ comment.
    “Ah ssso you would like to take my life.  Are you not afraid that you will end up like thessse men, little thief.”  Jes was very frustrated by this comment, First, I am well over average height, and how the heck did everyone know that I am a thief. What. Am I wearing, a sign? He was tired of being called that, too.
    “I am a rogue, for your information and not a common thief.” Jes nearly yelled.
    “Well it mattersss not as I will end your life.”  And the conversation was over.
    Jes made the first move.  To his surprise his wayward strike struck the other man’s arm just above the elbow.  This time no blood found its way

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