love your brother, but he has a life here now, a wife and from what
I heard they want more children.”
“Smaranda is horrible.” Mihail commented.
“Yes, horrible enough that she wants Mihnea to kill
you, if you leave then he won’t have to and she will be happy.” Nea
explained. Mihail wasn’t surprised, Smaranda had it out for him the
moment he had turned her down for sex.
“I don’t own much though.” Mihail went and began to
gather his things into a trunk at the foot of his bed.
“You don’t need clothes, I will provide for you.”
Nea said.
“I don’t want to have to depend on you for
everything, mother.” Mihail frowned, feeling useless.
“How have you been providing for yourself here? Do
you not live off the family money?” Nea asked.
“Father left everything to Mihnea, it wasn’t a lot.
I sell paintings on the side. Father and Mihnea hate my art but I
make enough money so I don’t have to take anything from
“I am so sorry life has been difficult since I went
away. I am proud you are painting. My father painted, did you know
that?” Nea helped him pack his trunk.
“I didn’t, but I am happy to hear it.” It was so odd
for him to be having this conversation with her, like no time had
“You will have plenty to do at my home, there is
much to discuss but not now, you will earn your keep.” Nea gave him
a piercing stare, registering some of his words.
“Your father left Mihnea almost nothing? How is that
possible? The Draculs are a wealthy family!”
“He purchased Bran Castle shortly before his
disappearance,” Mihail said. He was removing her painting from the
wall, with loving hands. Nea didn’t comment out loud how odd it was
Vlad would want a castle where he had been held prisoner.
“Disappeared, your father died,” Nea said quietly,
wondering if Mihail did not know.
“That is what Mihnea and I were told. We didn’t see
him buried, but if he really is dead then why do people say they
see him at Bran Castle, Snagov Monastery and Poenari Castle? Last
year when the Turks raided from Bulgaria, Wallachia began to rally
troops, Mihnea was prepared to go to battle, but we didn’t need
to,” Mihail was speaking softly.
“I heard that, I was prepared to join in battle.”
Nea grinned at the expression on her son’s face.
“You, in battle?”
“It’s a long story.”
“So you keep telling me. Nevertheless, the invaders
never made it past Comana Monastery, they were slaughtered in the
night and impaled in the way father favored.” Mihail looked at his
mother, confused as to why she didn’t seem more surprised.
“I was afraid of this; I, too, have heard disturbing
rumors about your father. I hope he hasn’t done something we will
all regret.” Nea lowered her head and gave a silent prayer to
Bendis that her family be safe.
“They are calling Mihnea, Cel Rau.” Mihail hefted
his chest and they left his room, quiet and careful. Cel Rau meant
the Wrongdoer.
“I know. Is he trying to outdo his father’s
reputation?” Nea wondered out loud.
“Sometimes I think so.” Mihail sighed.
“Well, now you will be one less thing for him to
worry about.” Taking his hand Nea used her magic to transport them
to her castle.
It took a moment for Mihail to regain his balance as
he tried to take in his new surroundings. Her easy use of such
magic almost made him reconsider coming with her.
She took him inside and showed him his new home
while explaining what she was and what she did for Bendis.
“But you’re not evil?” He asked after she was done.
He glanced out the windows at the snow and the forest, this might
be too good to be true.
“No, not really.” She placed an arm around her son
and put her head on his shoulder.
“Are you going to make me Strigoi?” His next
question was harder for her to answer.
“I would like to. Bendis has foreseen your future,
and within the next few years you will contract a disease that will
kill you.
Stephanie Hoffman McManus
Marissa Farrar, Kate Richards, Marian Tee, Lynn Red, Dominique Eastwick, Becca Vincenza, Ever Coming, Lila Felix, Dara Fraser, Skye Jones, Lisbeth Frost