The Billionaire Boyfriend Trap

The Billionaire Boyfriend Trap by Kendra Little Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Billionaire Boyfriend Trap by Kendra Little Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Little
Tags: alpha male, office romance, workplace romance
with him.
Lately, she would to come down to my desk and whine about how he
treated her like just an employee and not his girlfriend."
    "I see."
    "She wasn't really his girlfriend anyway. He
never called her that. If she'd known that he slept with all his
PA's before she climbed into his bed, she probably would have saved
herself some heartbreak and just had a bit of fun."
    "Poor Ally." I now knew why the woman had
clung to Reece at the gallery. She'd already felt him slipping away
from her and she wanted to hang onto him as long as possible. I
couldn't blame her. If I had a guy like that, I'd want to keep him
    "Don't worry, he won't sleep with you." She
shrugged. "Like I said, you don't look like his type. Sorry."
    "Don't apologize." I laughed to hide the knot
of disappointment in my gut. "I'm hoping to break the cycle and
just be his PA." It was strange how Jenny didn't think I was his
type, and nor did I, yet Ellen was convinced of it. Maybe she
really had got Reece all wrong.
    The elevator dinged and Reece stepped out.
Jenny jumped out of his way and murmured, "Good afternoon, Mr.
    He nodded at her. "Good afternoon, Jenny.
Cleo, I need the latest financial reports on the Doveton
    He marched through the glass door. Jenny
stepped into the elevator and mouthed Good luck .
    I mouthed Thanks back and returned to
my desk. Reece had left his office door open. I searched through
the files and printed out the ones he wanted and took them into
    He waved me into a seat without looking up
from his monitor. I sat and waited, hands in my lap.
    When he finished reading, he leaned back
without picking up the reports. "Have you settled in?"
    "Yes, thank you."
    "I see you've met some of the staff."
    "Jenny is very nice. Everyone's been
    "Filling you in on the gossip, no doubt."
    Was this another test? I decided to be
honest. I had a feeling Reece was a man who liked honesty from his
staff. "Actually, yes, but sadly there seems to be very little of
it around that isn't public knowledge."
    He leaned forward, his elbows on the desk,
and pinned me with that icy stare of his. "Is that so? Tell me,
Cleo, do you want to ask me something?"
    "Yes," I admitted. I would not be intimidated
by this man.
    "Go ahead. Ask me anything."
    "Where do you go Thursday afternoons?"
    He blinked slowly. Then he burst out
laughing. " That's what you want to know?"
    I nodded.
    "You don't want to know who I have lined up
for my next date, for example? That seems to be the gossip de
jour ."
    "I'm sure I'll find out in good time. The
consensus around the office seems to be that it won't be me." I
wasn't sure whether I was saying it out loud to convince him or
    His lids lowered. His mouth flattened. "And
why would everyone think that when all the evidence is to the
contrary? I do have a reputation for sleeping with my
    Oh boy. His smoky voice had a way of
stripping defenses I thought were solid. "I'm not your type. Too
much school mistress and not enough model."
    His left eyebrow kicked up. "Is that so? I
had a crush on my fifth grade teacher so don't discount the effect.
You know, you're a lot like her except you don't wear glasses. Long
brown hair, pretty, slender but with curves in all the right
    I squirmed, but refused to lower my gaze. I
would not be defeated by his intensity, or his desire. But that
didn't mean I didn't feel the responding tug between my thighs. I
picked up the papers and handed them across the desk. "Let's just
make one thing clear before the day is out. I'm not going to sleep
with you, Reece."
    He simply gave me a crooked smile, as if he
knew differently. Jerk. "I don't suppose you'd consider
    I let go of the papers and they landed softly
on the desk in front of him. "Can I ask you another question?"
    The light danced in his eyes. "Go ahead."
    "Did you know I was in the storeroom before
you made love to Ally?"
    The light in his eyes dimmed. Was he
embarrassed by my

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