The Burning

The Burning by M. R. Hall Read Free Book Online

Book: The Burning by M. R. Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. R. Hall
years of sexual
jealousy between three people could lead to anything, and would almost certainly have led to something.
    The storm grew heavier as Jenny left the estuary behind and struck out alone on the valley road. Driving as fast as she dared, she travelled six winding miles without seeing a single vehicle,
making the first tracks through snow that was already lying inches deep. It grew thicker still as she turned off the main road at Tintern and headed up the lane to Melin Bach. Even with four-wheel
drive the Land Rover struggled against the steep gradient. Pitching from side to side, with her foot pressed to the floor, Jenny wondered if she really was a little mad to live out here by herself.
What sort of woman chose to live by herself in a cottage in the woods? Faced with a long evening alone, the thought of a sleek harbour-side apartment five minutes’ walk from the office became
more attractive by the moment. But then she caught a glimpse of lights up ahead, and sliding around the final bend before home she saw that they were coming from the windows of her cottage. A
steady stream of white smoke was rising from the chimney. For a moment she allowed herself to believe that Ross might have come home early to pay her a surprise visit, but then she reminded herself
that she had never known him do anything as practical as light a fire on his own initiative. She was right. Drawing closer, she made out the familiar shape of Michael’s elderly Saab under a
covering of snow.
    It had been weeks. He had better have a good explanation.
    ‘Can I come in?’
    ‘What if I said no?’
    Michael nudged through the bathroom door carrying two large glasses of red wine.
    ‘What do you say now?’
    ‘Hmm.’ Jenny wrestled with conflicting emotions. ‘All right. You win.’
    He sat on the edge of the roll-top bath and handed her a glass, pretending not to glance down at her breasts, which were only partially hidden beneath the foam. Jenny felt she ought to have
mounted at least a small display of anger for his abandoning her over Christmas, but lying neck-deep in the hot, rose-scented water she could no longer summon the energy. Life felt too short.
    ‘I tried to get leave, Jenny, but there’s only a couple of us the Swiss clients truly trust in this weather.’
    ‘They get to choose who flies your planes?’
    ‘It’s written in the contract – only pilots with military experience or at least 10,000 hours for a passenger airline. Cuts their insurance premium in half.’
    ‘You didn’t get that suntan flying.’
    ‘I had a day skiing near Geneva. One of the guys from the office took me out.’
    ‘You could have emailed.’
    ‘I should have done. I’m sorry.’
    Jenny took a sip of wine and sensed that he meant it. ‘You must have been having a good time.’
    ‘You know what it’s like – the longer you leave it, the worse you feel.’
    ‘What did you think I was going to do, dump you like some teenage girl?’
    ‘I guess.’
    ‘Honestly, Michael?’
    ‘I kind of deserve it.’ Changing the subject, he leant over to the window and lifted a corner of the blind. ‘Can you believe it? There must be eight inches of snow out there.
It’s still falling.’
    ‘Is it worrying you?’
    He looked at her, puzzled.
    ‘The thought of being snowed in with me.’
    ‘Why would that worry me?’
    ‘I couldn’t help wondering if you’d been avoiding me – since you started seeing the therapist. I thought maybe it had stirred you up.’
    Michael smiled. ‘I’d have been better off taking you out to dinner. Would have been a hell of a lot cheaper and a lot more fun.’
    ‘You’re not going any more?’
    ‘I gave it three sessions, then she invited me to her “Men’s Group”. There’s a misnomer for a start. But I had your voice in my head telling me not to be
judgemental, so I swallowed my pride and took myself along. Now bear in mind these were meant to be her worked-out ones, the successes,’ he paused

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