The Christmas Throwaway

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Book: The Christmas Throwaway by RJ Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: RJ Scott
sweater, socks, boxers emblazoned with a grinning 62
    The Christmas Throwaway
    RJ Scott

    Santa, aftershave, and a couple of what he had been assured were recent bestsellers. Quite a big haul considering.
    Zach sensed Ben hovering and looked up as the cop crouched down in front of him.
    "I'm still on duty — have to check in for an hour.
    Wanna come with?" Zach glanced out at the snow still falling, and nodded, which led to a scramble to find him suitable footwear and a thick winter jacket, courtesy of Ben himself, until he was bundled up like a huge teddy bear, a fact that didn't escape Ellie's notice.
    "So cute," she said, pulling him down by the hood and placing a smacking kiss on Zach's lips. He made a noise halfway between a squeak and a no, which just made Ellie smile. She pulled back and indicated the mistletoe hanging over his head. Zach just blinked, not exactly sure what to say, looking at Ben who didn't seem angry. Maybe he should make it clear, tell her in no uncertain terms that he was not only gay, but that both of her brothers were watching his every move.
    "One word, little sis," Ben piped up as he opened the front door and stepped out into the snow, waiting for Zach to follow.
    Ellie looked curious. "One word?" Zach scuffed across the floor, sliding past Ben, looking up into the steel 63
    The Christmas Throwaway
    RJ Scott

    sky and the swirling snowflakes, mesmerized by their random movements.

    "Gay," Ben replied and pulled the door closed, laughter dying on his lips as he looked at the man-child standing next to him. Did Zach even know? Did Zach have any idea how beautiful he looked right now? Ben couldn't stop staring at Zach's expression, which alternated between thoughtful and sad as he stared up at the snow, random flakes landing on his skin and melting against his tongue as he poked it out to taste the ice.
    Images from last night came to Ben unbidden. He
    was still not entirely sure why he had hugged Zach. It had been as if he had had no choice. He was, however, certain that at this moment what he really wanted to do was kiss him.
    Shaking his head free of the impulse, he pulled
    himself together. A cop could not have any kind of feelings, sexual or just plain emotional, for a clearly underage charity case. He started the short walk back to the station, which in reality was little more than a large house, manned by alternating shifts of only five people, wondering what Zach would think of it. For his part, Zach was mostly 64
    The Christmas Throwaway
    RJ Scott

    quiet, commenting briefly on the snow, and on the gifts he had received but staying away from the whole my family isn't looking for me thing.
    The only person in the station house was Mitchell, three months away from retirement and the man who, in effect, Ben was replacing.
    "Hey, newbie," Mitchell smiled, and then looked past Ben at the tall boy behind him. "Maureen made me bring mince pies over; they're in the kitchen." Ben's stomach rumbled. Mitchell's wife made awesome mince pies.
    "Tell Maureen I love her," Ben replied, returning the smile. "This is Zach. He's a friend of the family, staying with us." Best to get that out of the way. Mitchell didn't question that. He simply picked up his thick jacket and waved goodbye as he went back to his warm home and his wife's cooking, which accounted for most of his generous stomach.
    Ben showed Zach the desk he shared with Mitchell, the kitchen where they sneaked a mince pie each, and the two rooms at the back with bars and locks. Ben described it as the jail, pointing out that the last time it was used had been 1999 when a group of kids from the local high school spiked the prom punch and needed to just calm the hell 65
    The Christmas Throwaway
    RJ Scott

    down. Zach looked alternately amused and bemused and Ben realized Zach probably never had a prom or anything like it if he had missed the last four years of public schooling.
    Which only left Ben checking for messages and
    emails. Since there

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