The Coastal Kingdoms of Olvion: Book Two of The Chronicles of Olvion

The Coastal Kingdoms of Olvion: Book Two of The Chronicles of Olvion by Larry Robbins Read Free Book Online

Book: The Coastal Kingdoms of Olvion: Book Two of The Chronicles of Olvion by Larry Robbins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Larry Robbins
man, Lord Ruguer, walking toward the enemy instead of away from them.  He was wounded, he was exhausted, and he was resigned to death…but he was not going to abandon the defense of his city and his kingdom.”
    Taggart looked up and the others saw a slight smile on his lips.
    “And we all just fell in behind him.  I can’t tell you why even though I was there, but that simple act of outrageous bravery just could not be ignored.  We turned and followed him and some even found the strength to run at the enemy. 
    “Then we were joined by the warriors from the Coastal Kingdoms.  Thousands of them.  Tens of thousands.  They passed us by and took a warrior’s vengeance on the grey murderers.”
    Taggart smiled more broadly then.
    “The Greys were defeated, and I killed the Grey King with a chain and slave ball in his own tent.  My little friend was seriously wounded from fighting the other creature which had all of her abilities but none of her kindness.  She survived, as did Lord Ruguer.  The night of his coronation I fell into unconsciousness and awoke back in my other world.”
    He looked around at the others. 
    “Until today.”
    There was silence all around the fire pit as one by one all of the family members looked to Mattus.
    “I was there,” Mattus said.  He was staring into the fire with the jug balanced on his lap.  “I saw what the people of Olvion did: the thousands of men and women lying dead on the valley floor.  Ever since that day I have wondered how many of those brave warriors would still be alive were it not for the cowardice of our leaders.”  He took another drink and looked over at Taggart, the firelight turning his eyes to shining coins. “I didn’t see you there, but I heard what you did that day and in the days leading up to the final battle.  I have one question for you Warrior. What can my family do to help you?  Ask and it shall be given.”
    Taggart took a deep breath and looked up at the stars.
    “I only need two things, a bed for the night and someone to point me in the direction of Olvion.

    Dwan decided she was going to return to Olvion.  Her attempt to lessen her emotional anguish by changing her surroundings was not working.  She had hoped that leaving Olvion and not having to see the places where she and Tag-Gar had been so happy would help her to forget.  She thought seeing new sights and meeting new people would dilute the raw hurt that she wrestled with every day.  And, for a few days, it had helped somewhat.  Exploring the layout of the massive medical clinic in Aspell and learning the small differences in treatment between the two kingdoms was interesting.  If she never had to go back to her living quarters and be alone with her thoughts and memories she could probably make it through an entire day without breaking down into tears.
    “Stop it!” She often commanded herself.  “You are stronger than this.”  No matter how many times she told herself that, however, she always came to the realization that, no, she wasn’t stronger than that.  Not by a long shot. Tag-Gar was far away from her now.  If he was anywhere on this planet she would already have set out to find him, but how do you search for someone in another world or another dimension?  Why should she have to?  What sin had she committed that was so vile as to bring about the personal hell within which she existed every day?
    She had heard the stories.  Some in Olvion claimed he had left on his own accord, off seeking new battles now that the Grey Ones had been vanquished.  Others opined that the mysterious forces that brought him to Olvion had now sent him on to other worlds to right other wrongs there.  Dwan knew the truth, knew it down deep in her sole.  Nothing could have made him leave her if he had the power to stay. 
    Dwan had been in her shower the night of the coronation for King Ruguer.  There had been a great ceremony with hundreds of revelers

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