The Critchfield Locket

The Critchfield Locket by Sheila M. Rogers Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Critchfield Locket by Sheila M. Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila M. Rogers
Tags: Romance, Historical, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Historical Romance, Victorian
biting her bottom lip and stopped, then slid her hand into his elbow as they walked to the carriage. They rode in silence the short distance to the Dickson estate and Kate could feel her heart racing as thoughts swirled about her head. Her emotional state mixed with the rhythm of the carriage made her stomach feel uneasy. Breathe Kate, breathe. I don't know what I am so worried about. Calm down before you make a fool of yourself.
                  The guests along with their hosts had gathered in the parlor with quiet conversation, and patiently waited for the official word that dinner would be served. It all seemed so formal, so unfamiliar to Kate. The women's dresses were all as elegant as if not more so than her own. However, none of the men seemed to be as dashing in their suits as Nicholas was in his. Kate felt so out of place, she was about to give in to her natural urge to flee when Nicholas guided her to the dining room table. Kate noticed Rose had seated her between herself and Nicholas, something she was very grateful for. She could discreetly mimic Rose's behavior from using the proper eating utensil to the way she dabbed at her mouth. Rose seemed to be keenly aware of Kate's apprehensions and graciously did what she could to help ease them. For the dessert course, the servants brought out flaky pastries filled with a mix of berries and chocolate along with a sweet wine. The after dinner lull was creeping in, making some of the guests search for a new topic of interest.
                  "Ms. Dornacher, I am told you are from the South, from Loganville, is that correct?"
                  Kate almost choked on a piece of her pastry as she sucked in a breath. She turned her head towards the woman who had addressed her - Clara Pobloske. She could feel a slight heat fill her cheeks.
                  "Yes, that is correct." Kate could now feel the eyes of all the other guests on her. Both Nicholas and Ruth waited in silence, giving Kate the chance to speak for herself.
                  "What is it like there? Is it awfully warm? Are there many natives still around?"
                  Kate took a brief moment to collect her thoughts against the barrage of questions.
                  "Mrs. Pobloske, I am sorry to say that I cannot rightly answer your questions." Kate turned to look at Rose, then Nicholas before looking back at Clara again. "I was recently in an accident which has caused most of my memories to be lost at present.”
                  Clara gasped and placed her hand over her mouth.
    "Each day I remember something new which leads me to believe that I will one day be fully restored."
                  The Granvilles were seated directly across the table from Kate, and Preston took the opportunity to speak from a doctor's point of view.
                  "With injuries such as Ms. Dornacher's, only time will tell how soon and how much of her memory will return. However, given her progress, I am confident that she will have a good recovery."
                  At the other end of the table, across from the Pobloskes, sat Mr. Loring Beverly and his daughter Matilda. Matilda wore a haughty look that seemed to be exaggerated further by her pointy nose. She exchanged suspicious looks with Clara before speaking to Kate.
                  "Could you please tell us then, Ms. Dornacher, how is it that you came to be at Critchfield Manor?"
                  Nicholas could sense Kate's uneasiness at being the center of attention as well as her inability to answer the curios questions presented to her.
                  "Ms. Dornacher's arrival at my home was indeed unexpected, but not burdensome. Since she appeared to be ill, I sent for Dr. Granville who assured me that the cause of her illness was not contagious. She is residing at the manor while she recuperates." Nicholas

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