Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5

Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5 by Ella Cox Read Free Book Online

Book: Boxed Set:Taming the Rocker - Vol. 1-5 by Ella Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Cox
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Coming of Age, Genre Fiction
minutes of him trying to impress me with his knowledge of Italian culture, he looked over at me and smiled, “You know, you’re so damn beautiful. A gorgeous woman…and very smart too. You would make the perfect bride.”
    I almost gagged. I had heard a play-by-play of his life up until now. And then he compliments me by hinting at marriage!?
    What the fuck?!
    I was so done, so fucking done with this. Thankfully, the entrée came and I put all of my attention and effort into the meal instead of having to listen to him blabber for another fucking hour. I almost fainted from relief when he shoved a bite of food in his mouth. It felt like the food took forever to get here, and a part of me wondered if he’d made that happen on purpose. There was no way in hell I could go through with this again. No fucking way.
    I ate slowly, trying to savor the food and making sure that I had something to put my attention on for the next however long it took to get out of here. Meanwhile, Alec continued to blabber on about his life between bites. I was regaled with what he was doing and every detail of his law school experience. Apparently, he would attend Harvard after this, which was helpful since I didn’t have to hear or see him again. He then told me that his father was in Dubai, that he might already have some connections to people there, and that he may be an ambassador and lawyer for legal issues in other countries. That sounded boring as shit. I was getting irritable and tired. I didn’t know what to do at that point, except count down the bites of food that he had left.
    He continued to run his mouth for another hour, only stopping a few times to awkwardly touch me and tell me how beautiful I was and that he wanted to make me his wife. I shuddered, fearing my soul would wither and die at the thought. I could only imagine that he would give me a curfew of eight p.m. or some shit like that. He certainly wasn’t the type to let me live my own damn life. This Is Hell . Thankfully, he finally finished and told me he was ready to leave. I nearly ran to the limo and didn’t wait for the driver to open the door. I endured more of his voice on the ride home, but knew it would be over soon.
    When we arrived at my apartment, he looked at me and smiled, “Well, this was really fun. I hope we can do it again.” His voice was cheesy, and his smile was weak. I had to get the fuck out of the limo… NOW . There was no way I could do that again.
    “Maybe we will,” I politely replied. 
    The driver opened the door and Alec swooped in for the slimiest, nastiest kiss on the mouth. I almost bit his tongue when he pushed it between my lips, but opening my mouth would have given him access. It was disgusting. Thankfully, it was only for a second. He pulled away and gave me a beaming grin. I ran out of the car. 
    When I got home, I almost fell through the door. Natalie asked where I was. I ignored her and ran to the bathroom to wash my mouth out with soap. She whipped her head around and looked at me with a worried expression on her face.
    “You okay?”
    I finally spat out a mouthful of suds and swished again, then looked at her and shook my head. “Hell no. I had to go on a date with Alec. Worst experience ever. It was super bland, he was boring as hell, and then he tried to french me at the end. “I gagged into the sink.
    “I don’t think you’ll be going out with him anymore.”
    “No way.” I replied. I knew that I couldn’t. My father would shit enough bricks to build another University but there was just no way. I went to my room, got my phone out, and looked for Chase’s number. I sent him a text saying I wanted to meet at the park tomorrow, that I needed to see him. I couldn’t do this anymore. I needed to discover who I really wanted. And he had lingered in my mind too long to ignore. 

    It was hard to stay focused at the meeting. As I looked around, my phone buzzed. It was Lila. When I opened it, I got a dirty

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