The Cross and the Curse (Bernicia Chronicles Book 2)

The Cross and the Curse (Bernicia Chronicles Book 2) by Matthew Harffy Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Cross and the Curse (Bernicia Chronicles Book 2) by Matthew Harffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Harffy
Tags: Bernicia Chronicles #2
buildings or stone bridges that yet stood throughout Albion, Scand felt a sense of awe and unease. People talked of giants having wrought these things, but Scand was no fool. The doorways and stone-hewn steps of the buildings were made for men, not giants. But how could men who ruled the land so absolutely have taken their leave of these lush shores? Had they all died? It was a quandary he would never solve, so he pushed it from his thoughts.
    Scand turned his attention instead to the young man at Oswald's right. Oswiu, the youngest of the sons of Æthelfrith. He'd been only four years of age when they had fled to Dál Riata. Now he stood, straight-backed and proud, but always in the shadow of his brother. He had the same chestnut hair and thoughtful eyes as Oswald, but he was more solid somehow; broader and shorter, closer to the earth. Oswald was like a strong oak, looking down on all as the winds of his wyrd moved him. Oswiu was more akin to a boulder, unmoving and unyielding. Scand disliked the boy. He was unsure why that was. Too young, most likely. He was too full of anger for his liking. Still, he was a fine swordsman and would stand strong when the time came to face the Waelisc.
    Oswald broke the silence that had fallen on the small group of thegns who were gathered in the shade of an awning made from cloth stretched over a wooden frame and secured with cords.
    "You say we are outnumbered. Give us news we do not already know. Where is Cadwallon? What number of men does he have with him? Do they have horse guards? Are they on the move, or camped?" Oswald spoke to the scout in a soft voice, which made all of the listeners strain to hear over the background hubbub of the several hundred-strong fyrd amassed on the hill around them.
    The scout had just ridden into the camp and was covered in dust and sweat. The day was still hot, but muggy and heavy with pent up rain. He beat some of the dust out of his clothes and wiped his face and straggly beard with the inside of his cloak. He accepted a flask of water from Scand and drank thirstily before answering the king.
    Oswald remained still and outwardly patient, but Scand knew that he would be furious with the small affront to his authority. The scout, Attor, was Scand's man, and Scand would not have him bullied after he had bravely volunteered to ride close to the enemy force.
    Attor nodded his thanks to Scand and spoke at last. "They are camped a short march to the south of the Wall. The force is more than double our number." A sharp intake of breath from the listeners. "I recognised the banner from Gefrin's ford." Scand grimly acknowledged Attor's effort to remind the king and others that he was one of the few who had stood before the mighty warlord Cadwallon and survived. "The banner still bears the skulls of fallen foes. King Eanfrith's head is there still." Attor looked down, unable to face Eanfrith's brothers with this gruesome fact.
    "If the murderous heathen believes he can cow me with skulls on a pole, he will be sorry. He has yet to fight a true Christ follower." Scand decided it best not to mention that Edwin, had converted to follow the Christ and had ordered all his men baptised, before being defeated by the alliance of Cadwallon and Penda of Mercia.
    "We should not be scared of his standard, but he has double our number of warriors," said Scand. The other thegns nodded. Such odds were inconceivable. They could not hope to triumph.
    "That is true. But I tell you again, we will destroy the Waelisc. We will march under the rood of our Lord Jesu and we will bring destruction on our enemy." Oswald surveyed the men on the hill, lounging close to the crumbling Wall. He furrowed his brow, as if trying to understand something, then his face lit up.
    "Let me tell you how we will crush Cadwallon and his rabble." Oswald smiled, confident and relaxed.
    Scand and the others listened intently to their king. Their faces showed the anxiety they all felt.
    Oswiu's expression was

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