going back to the States.”
“Okay, the only way you could know my personal agenda is if you’re some kind of God. Since you’re not, then you’ve got a pair a balls the size of Texas. Either tell me your business or I’m leaving, Fedora Man.”
He brought his hands together and tented them in front of his chest. He appeared to be contemplating what to tell her and what to leave out.
“Okay, Sarah, you win. My name is Rod Howley. I’m with the Sophia Project out of the University of Arizona.”
“Come again? What’s that?”
“One of our main purposes is to investigate the experiences of people who claim to channel or communicate with deceased loved ones. Our ultimate goal is to investigate if these communications can be validated under controlled conditions.”
Sarah had never heard of them before. Having spent a considerable amount of time with Dolan Ryan and Esmerelda she thought she would’ve heard of the Sophia Project. From her high school studies she knew the name Sophia meant wisdom , but that was the extent of it.
“I’ve never heard of you or your little group. But the important question is, why tell me?”
She knew why. They had to have gotten wind of what she’d been doing for the last five years or so and wanted to learn more from her. The proper words here were, use her as a guinea pig . But their timing couldn’t be worse. This was no time to be hanging around doing psychic tests while Armond was on the loose, even if she wanted to. The only way anyone would get Sarah and Vivian to perform like circus psychics was if they forced her and forcing Sarah to do anything would be a trying task.
“Sarah, we both know why I’m sitting here. You’re a very active girl. As I understand it, Vivian gives you messages and you act on them for the good of humanity. Very noble of you. But this latest job has crossed the line. We need to talk, find a resolution and continue your mission with more control involved.”
This guy knew more than she was comfortable with. Tossing Vivian’s name in to subtly display his knowledge only pissed her off further. He talked about her dead sister like she was a card being played in this game of chess he started as he strategically placed himself near a check-mate.
Wrong move asshole.
“Unless you say something to convince me to continue talking to you, I am going to stand up and walk out of here. Try to stop me. Please do. I usually wait for provocation.”
He untented his hands and showed her his palms. “I’m sorry. I can see I’m upsetting you. That wasn’t my goal.”
He paused to remove his hat. Sarah took the opportunity to scan the lobby. It remained empty as the clock behind the counter said it was coming on six in the morning. The female hotel clerk was nowhere to be seen.
“Sarah, Parapsychology research—”
“Stop using my name so freely. I don’t know you. You don’t know me. We’re strangers. It will remain that way.”
“Okay, I’m sorry.”
She could tell that was hard on him. There was something peculiar about this man. He looked like a caged raccoon. Seemingly innocent enough but get too close and he’ll attack. She decided to listen a little longer. She wasn’t psychic in the traditional sense but she could tell when someone was on the edge of a fight and Fedora Man really wanted to do some damage. It oozed off his skin. He didn’t seem comfortable sitting and discussing things. It made her think he was an interrogator and not an explainer.
“Parapsychology research is conducted in over thirty countries worldwide. The term parapsychology was first coined in or around 1889 by philosopher Max Dessoir.”
“Why the history lesson? Under other circumstances I love to learn new things but you walk in here, use my name and say you’re a friend. I ask for you to tell me what’s going on and you’re giving me a history lesson. Time is running