father's would-be piteous shake of the head, that particular pursing of his mother's lips as if she nursed a lemon pip there. Before they could speak, he rose to his feet.
"I'll just go upstairs and unpack my grip, if you'll both excuse me.”
Pasztor , Director of the London Exozoo, was a fine willowy man without a grey hair on his head despite his fifty-two years. A Hungarian by birth, he had led an expedition into the submarine Antarctic by the time he was twenty-five, had gone on to set up the Tellus Zoological Dome on the asteroid Apollo in 2005. and had written the most viewed technidrama of 2014, An Iceberg for Icarus. Several years later he went on the First Charon Expedition, which charted and landed upon that then newly-discovered planet of the solar system; Charon refrigerates so unloveably some three thousand million miles beyond the orbit of Pluto that it earned itself the name of Deep Freeze Planet, Pasztor had given it that nickname.
After which triumph, Sir Mihaly Pasztor was appointed Director of the London Exozoo and was at present employed in offering Bruce Ainson a drink.
"You know I don't, Mihaly," Bruce said, shaking his long head in reproof.
"From now on you are a famous man; you should toast your own success, as we toast it. The drinks are all pure synthetics, you know - a de-alcoholized sinker will surely never hurt you.”
" You know me of old, Mihaly. I wish only to do my duty.”
"I know you of old, Bruce. I know that you care very little for the opinions or the applause of anyone else, so thirstily do you crave for the nod of approval from your own superego," the Director said in a mild voice, while the bartender mixed him the cocktail known as a Transponential. They were at the reception being held in the hotel belonging to the Exozoo, where murals of exotic beasts stared down on a bracing mixture of bright uniforms and flowery dresses.
"I do not stand in need of tidbits from your well of wisdom," Ainson said.
"You will not allow that you have need of anything from anybody," said the Director. "I have meant to say this to you for a long while, Bruce - though this is neither the time nor the place, let me continue now I have begun.
You are a brave, learned, and formidable man. That you have proved not only to the world but to yourself. You can now afford to relax, to let down your guard. Not only can you now afford to do so; you ought to do so before it is too late. A man has to have an interior, Bruce, and yours is dying of suffocation -”
"For heavens' sake, man!" Ainson exclaimed, breaking away half laughing, half angry. "You are talking like an impossibly romantic character in one of the plays of your nonage! I am what I am, and I am no different from what I have always been. Now here comes Enid, and it is high tune we changed the subject.”
Among the bright dresses, Enid Ainson's hooded cobra costume looked as sunny as an eclipse. She smiled, how-ever, as she came up to her husband and Pasztor.
"This is a lovely party, Mihaly. How foolish I was not to have come to the last one, the last time Bruce came home. You have such a pretty room here to hold it in, too.”
"For wartime, Enid, we try to squeeze a little extra gaiety, and your appearance has done the trick.”
She laughed, obviously pleased, but compelled to protest.
"You're flattering me, Mihaly, just as you always do.”
"Does your husband never flatter you?”
"Well, I don't know. ... I don't know if Bruce - I mean -”
"You're being silly, the pair of you," Ainson said. "The noise in here is enough to make anyone senseless. Mihaly, I've had enough of all this frippery, and I'm surprised that you haven't too, Enid. Let's get down to business; I came here to hand the ETA's over to you officially, and that's what I want to do.
Can we discuss that in peace and quiet somewhere?”
Pasztor had trim eyebrows which rose towards his hair-line, descended, and then moved together in a frown.
"Are you trying
Alexa Wilder, Raleigh Blake