The Deep

The Deep by Jen Minkman Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Deep by Jen Minkman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Minkman
    Ben glances aside. “We have
a small harbor as well, on the east side of the island. It isn’t
used much, just to moor a few fishing boats, but the spot could
accommodate a working crew and bigger ships. And they wouldn’t draw
attention from the Phileans like that.”
    I slowly nod. Ben’s idea
makes a lot of sense. But wouldn’t the easterners mind if we used
their harbor? “Let’s ask the Bookkeeper what he thinks,” I
    “What, right
    “No, tomorrow morning. I’m
guessing he’s rather busy right now.”
    “Shall I come to your
house?” Ben asks.
    “Yeah, that’s okay. Why
don’t you meet me at ten? I’m not working tomorrow.”
    “Well. I think I can take
the morning off, too,” he mutters a bit sourly.
    I smile, despite the dire
situation. “Good. I’ll make us breakfast. My mom baked some
delicious raisin bread yesterday. You have to try that.”
    After Ben has gone inside,
I slowly make my way back to the harbor. Daryl will probably be
upset with me for not helping him, but I just couldn’t take it
anymore. The least I can do now is apologize to him.
    The quay close to the left
watchtower is a mess. All the gawkers are gone, but people from the
hospital are still busy taking care of the people injured in the
fight that erupted. I see Peacekeepers watching the main street,
their faces grim, while others clear away torn clothes and
smashed-up wooden crates from the pavement. The long jetty is
covered in ashes that were blown in from the sea.
    “Hey, Daryl,” I mumble
softly, approaching my boss. He’s talking to the Bookkeeper and
looks crestfallen. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
    Daryl turns around. “Don’t
worry about it,” he replies with a weak smile. “You’ve done more in
the past few days than interns usually get to do in an entire year.
If you want to make yourself useful, go help Carl and the others to
clean up the mess.”
    I nod, but I don’t leave
just yet. “Nathan,” I quietly address our leader. I used to call
him father-in-law. I think he’s the only one who knows that Yorrick
asked me to marry him a few days before he was killed.
    “Yes, Alisa?” He gives me
his best attempt at a smile.
    “Ben came up with an idea.
He says the people in the east also have a harbor, so maybe our
shipbuilders should move their business there. So they can work on
our fleet far away from prying eyes.”
    He frowns.
    “Yes. That refugee from
Newexter who works at the harbor.”
    “Ah, yes.” He nods. “Well,
if that’s really an option…”
    “We’ll drop by tomorrow
morning to discuss his plan,” I say. “Is half past ten
    The Bookkeeper can’t help
but chuckle now. “Well, well. I see you’ve already planned the
whole thing. Thanks for your input.” He rubs his face in a tired
gesture. Nathan must miss Walt terribly. He’s never been more in
need of an assistant, and yet Walt has picked these trying times to
be conspicuous by his absence.
    “You’re welcome.” I smile.
“See you tomorrow, then.”
    After our little talk, I
stay and help my colleagues by cleaning up the mess our pious Hope
Harborers have caused.

    The next morning, Ben
knocks on my door just before ten. I usher him in to introduce him
to my mother. She cuts off a gigantic piece of raisin bread for our
guest. “Would you like some peppermint tea?” she inquires, shooting
a worried look at Ben’s pale, drawn face. He looks about as lively
as I feel. “It’ll wake you right up.”
    Ben smiles awkwardly.
“Thank you, Miss,” he mumbles. I wonder why he sounds so
    We take our breakfast into
the garden and sit silently in the morning sun. “It’s so strange to
see your mother still taking care of you,” he finally
    “I get that,” I nod. “Your
mom stopped doing that when you turned ten, right?”
    “I didn’t have a mother.”
His words sound flat, like he doesn’t much care, but he’s not
entirely able to keep a quiet

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