The Devil's Revenge (The Devil's Eyes)

The Devil's Revenge (The Devil's Eyes) by Jennifer Loren Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Devil's Revenge (The Devil's Eyes) by Jennifer Loren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Loren
Tags: CRF
court where I immediately spot Welch smiling and joking with the D.A.. He smiles wide at me and I wonder if I will ever get my revenge on him. I would feel better about things if Ryan was here, but his absence only leads me to believe that I have little time left. All that I can hope for at this point is that Ryan escaped unscathed with Nicky. We had a plan in place for this situation and he better damn well have followed through with it, despite it being him running with my son rather than me. As the judge comes in, we all stand and I watch for any clue that I may still have some pull, some chance of getting out of this alive. The judge sits and blatantly greets the man sitting behind the D.A. – Mr. Welch. Welch’s smug attitude irks me, and knowing that Estrella is somewhere nearby enjoying this just as much bothers me too. Nonetheless, here I am with obviously no power to do anything. Here I am standing in front of a judge, a courtroom full of people and media hounds taking notes vigorously – all of whom, have already convicted me. They all are ready to send me to jail for murder, or maybe they expect me to die for the crimes they believe that I have committed. Not that it matters, jail or the needle, I will die either way. Estrella will see to it. Welch will make sure of it.
    The argument for my bail begins, and I lower my head until the doors behind me crash open with a thunderous roar. A vibration rushes through my body, I look up at the judge as his eyes widen and a cold silence takes hold of the room. It’s him. I know it’s him. It can be no other. Before I can turn I whisper his name and feel the energy of him blaze up my body as if the simple whisper of his name makes it true, makes him true. As hard as I fight my own curiosity I can’t stop myself, with all the assuredness in my head I still have to prove it to my own eyes. Turning, I slowly raise my head up and look upon the three gentlemen, dressed in dark suits and letting the hoods of their coats fall back and reveal expressions of pure - desired annihilation. But it is he that stands center and strong that confirms my suspicions. It is he that has caused this silence and chocked the breath out of an entire room. It’s as if the air could breathe and it breathes a trembling gasp of his name, with all that laid their eyes on this sight I see. Only I breathe his name and meet his eyes whispering … “I knew you would come for me.”
    Only God could save me from a certain deadly fate, and so rightfully, he sent the devil to rescue me.
    Jackson nudges my side and I look up at his smiling face. “Your honor, I believe the facts of the D.A.’s case have been somewhat disproved, already.” Jackson mocks. “Dare I say, given the obvious new evidence that clearly contradicts some of the district attorney’s charges, that perhaps they have not followed up completely on their other charges as well?” Jackson yells, with a renewed posture. “Your honor it is absurd not to grant bail for my client … given the new evidence.”
    I look up and watch as the judge’s jaw remains on the floor and his hands shake. He avoids Welch’s eyes and remains locked on the man behind me. I briefly wonder if he will burst into flames right in front of me, but he finally begins to breathe again, “I ummm … it is clear that … that the district attorney’s office has some work to do. So … with that information I believe it is clear … that I … MUST … grant bail at $500,000.”
    “Your honor!” The D.A. yells, but it is futile. The judge has already run, and at the speed he left in, he has surely reached his car at this point. A smile creeps across my face as I slyly glance towards Welch. His reaction is honest, and I appreciate it, but it is only brief as he too, races out of the room.
    I take a minute to rejoice in this small victory and then stand to thank Jackson before meeting his eyes. He smiles at me and I start to smile back but then I remember the

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