The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
will decide when
I should take her. Cess out of the dream will not like my rules,
Cess in the dream is amazing. I will figure this out. I will start
on work, though. My needs will have to wait, business is always
first. Heading for the shower I hear my brothers, and smell their
company. They had better make sure nothing weird happens, or they
will have me to deal with. Showering, I feel my brother’s
    “What?” I ask.
    “Did you see Cess? I sent as much as
possible. She wants you, and I think having her as a Giver will
help you understand the humans better,” Showken says,
    “Whom did you bring home?” I
    “Oh, that’s one of Cess’ friends,
Kelly. I will have fun with her tonight,” Showken says, rubbing his
hands together.
    “Just make sure you don’t kill her or
let her fall for you, and please disguise your face, so she thinks
she’s with someone else. Make sure to spread the message,” I say,
still washing.
    “I’m sure they can hear, and Layern
didn’t bring anyone,” Showken says, cocking his head, letting me
know he is still having a problem. “Hey, umm brother, when I came
in the house I smelled Ravla and Cess. Why is that?”
    “Get the fuck out,
    “Okay, tell me the details later, but
you’re going to make Cess your Giver, aren’t you?”
    “GET OUT!”
    “Okay, I have a date waiting,” Showken
says, backing out, his hands held up in surrender.
    “Remember, work starts tomorrow, so
get what you can tonight. Have them gone before I rise in the
morning,” I say, knowing he can hear me as well as the
    Climbing out of the shower, I grab a
towel, drying my hair, and going to air-dry on my bed. I quickly
remember I have not spoken with Timothy, our manager. I need to
call him. I reach for my phone to make the call. He knows to answer
when I call, day or night.
    “Hello, Mr. Draglen, what can I do for
you?” Timothy says, nervously. He has been with the company for 10
years, never questioning our age or any of the things he has
    “I will be at the office tomorrow
morning, please have everyone’s files on my desk.”
    “Yes sir, I will make sure they’re
there waiting for you,” Timothy says. I can hear his breathing
becoming faster.
    “I’m not pleased with the numbers from
the last six months. I think some people will be leaving, Timothy.
I hope you’re not one, since I think you work really hard, but we
are losing money in our investments, and that means we should
invest in other places. Someone dropped the ball, and someone will
    “I understand, Mr.
    “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hang up
before he can say goodbye. I don’t plan on firing Timothy, but
frightening him is always a joy. I don’t ever want him comfortable.
When humans get comfortable, they become lazy, and if that
happened, he could say things about me and my brothers that could
be damaging. I would have to kill Timothy, so frightening him
works; I will always do it. Sleep is what I need now, and what I
will have. I close my eyes, remembering Cess and the sweetness of
the lovely gift she gave me, letting out all that sweet juice for
me, what a great drink to have. I will handle business, and then I
will see if she is willing to be a Giver.
    When we walk into our office the next
morning, my brothers and I are acknowledged with smiles all around.
I have no time for this. Of course, I notice all these human women
smiling and blushing, and I can even smell them getting wet. My
brothers and I do have an effect on women. The question is, would
they feel the same if they saw our other aspect? We walk to my
office. Timothy is waiting for me with stacks of files. I look out
of the window. Turning, I see the three stacks on the desk. “Which
stack relates to finances?” I ask, darkly.
    “Umm, it’s the last stack, umm Mr.
    “How many are there?” I ask, knowing
the answer already. There are 85 people in total who work

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