The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
scared, and rather than encroach nearer to strike him down they backed away. The man in charge however was not so easily put off. "Stand firm, you cowards, he is just using some kind of trick with his voice...Now kill him." It was clear his men were unsure which was worse. Have the wrath of their commander upon them, or risk death at the hands of this flame haired boy with burning eyes. The decision as it proved was simple for a few, as they threw down their swords and headed for the door.
    The soldier in charge screamed after them, calling them cowards. He however was not going to run, and stepped nearer to Maxim with his sword held up, ready to lunge forward. Those fire-like eyes glowed even brighter, as a stream of flame surged forth from Maxim's right hand. The man before him barely had time to scream as he was turned instantly into a burning fireball. Those others, who had not fled the first time, did not hang around long enough to risk the same fate as their commander.
    Zack stood and walked over toward Maxim, "Careful Zack," Melia shouted after him. "He will not harm us," he said glancing back at her worried look. "Somehow I know he will not harm either of us," Zack added as he stood before the boy of fire. Zack held out his arms and wrapped them around Maxims neck, "It's okay my friend," he uttered as he hugged him. "You can relax now," he said amazed at the heat emanating from Maxim's body. As he held his friend, he felt the body relax and cool before slumping down.
    Zack caught him in his arms and slowly lowered him to the wooden floor. "Quickly Melia, find something for him to rest his head upon," he asked. Melia ran into what was left of her bedroom, turning to look where her chest of drawers had been, only to find them smashed to pieces across the other side of the room, beside a dead soldier. "Bloody hell," she uttered under her breath in disbelief. Melia found the spare blanket she was looking for, under a pile of broken timbers, before quickly pulling it free and returning to the main room.
    Zack was still there holding Maxim's head, and she knelt down and placed the folded blanket down, as Zack then lowered his friends head gently down upon it. "Maxim, can you hear me?" he asked. Melia closed her eyes once more and placed a hand on Maxim's forehead, but she could feel no injury to heal, only a strange force flowing through his body. She opened her eyes, to Zack looking at her. "Is he okay?" he asked.
    "I don't know...I have never felt anything like this before...," she said unsure as what to say.
    Danton trotted along the track, with three of the four horses he had managed to purchase. Each was laden with the necessary tack as well as the supplies Mikel had managed to procure. The other horse was now being ridden by Mikel, who had been pleased with the choice Danton had made. A chestnut coloured stallion with a dark mane, he had already named Treader. This name had come about because Mikel had thought it hilariously funny that his new horse had accidently trodden on Danton's foot.
    As they neared the cottage, they pulled to a halt, as several soldiers were fleeing away from their hideaway home. One ran straight past them, "Don't go near there Mister if you got any sense, the boy is a monster..." were the words Danton could make out as the man fled. "Oh Shit!" he uttered under his breath, kicking his heels into his horse. The other horses in tow had no choice but to run behind, as did Mikel on his new mount.
    Danton leapt down from his horse, "Mikel saddle all the horses now!" he shouted as he headed for the door. He stepped inside to see Zack and Melia kneeling down beside Maxim. The young redhead had his eyes closed, and Danton's first thoughts were of the worse kind. He looked over to see one of the bedroom doors hanging limply off its hinges. "Soldiers came and burst their way in," Melia cried. Danton comforted her, and she could no longer withhold the tears that had been

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