The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
    "Come on, tell me what happened later. We need to go. Both of you pack what you can, we leave in five minutes," Danton said firmly. Despite the remark sounding much harsher than he wanted it too, he knew that now was not the best time for sentiment. Once those fleeing soldiers reached the town, and carried word of what had taken place, the entire garrison and every soldier within a fifty-mile radius would soon be marching their way.
    After reassuring Zack he would take care of Maxim, the two went to pack. Melia went back to her half demolished room, to see what she could salvage. Zack knew that most of his stuff would likely have to be left behind. It had been delivered to the cottage in a trunk, carried by a wagon, and now with only horses, he would have to be selective about what he took. His purse of coins he took first, along with the sword his father had given him before he left. He also took two knives, both well made and sheathed, and then a selection of clothes. He made the decision that these would not only be for him, but he would also cater for Maxim's needs also.
    As it happened, Zack was actually quicker packing than Melia, maybe he thought that was down to his room not being totally trashed. Danton cradled Maxim in his arms and lifted him from the floor. After instructing Zack to pack all the items on the horse he had set aside for Maxim, he told him to climb up on the grey filly he had selected for him. "I need you to hold onto Maxim until he recovers. You are probably the most experienced rider," he said lifting the unconscious lad up.
    After Danton had been inside to collect a few things, he dared not leave behind; he took one last look around. He also would have to travel much lighter than he wished, but so long as he had the essentials, then that was all that really mattered. The one item he knew he must take above all others were his precious books on magic. These were very rare and difficult to come by, especially since the outlawing of magicians.
    He also needed to make sure there was nothing that could indicate the identity of the people who had been staying there. Mikel was similarly allowed to quickly gather a few of his items, which he did without arguing. After Danton finished loading his items onto the spare horse, and some onto his own, he went back one more time. The blackened corpse of a man still lay on the charred timber floor of the main room. He had decided the only feasible way to eliminate any evidence was to torch the entire building. As much as he regretted destroying such a lovely cottage, he knew it was the only way. He grabbed a few burning timbers from the fire he himself had lit that morning, and set about lighting smaller fires around the rooms.
    Happy he had done everything he could, Danton joined the others back outside. "I think he is waking up," Zack told him. Danton walked over to check, and almost had the fright of his life as Maxim's eyes flickered open. His blue eyes almost sparkled such was the intensity of their colour. It was then Danton was certain of a theory he had been working on. Something had triggered the magical force inside Maxim to awaken, and now that had happened, it was imperative they teach him how to control it before it controlled Maxim.
    After Melia having a few problems getting her horse to go the direction she wanted, much to the amusement of Mikel, they set off back down the track. Zack trotted his horse, keeping his arms cradled around his new friend sat just in front of him. Maxim stirred and mumbled a few times, "Hey, It's okay. Everything will be fine," he kept telling him.
    As Zack was preoccupied with Maxim, it was left to Melia to tell Danton and Mikel, who decided he needed to know as well, about everything that had happened. She had decided however to leave the part out about who Zack really was. She was certain Danton was probably already aware, but thought the fewer that knew the better. She had

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