The Enclave (The Verge)

The Enclave (The Verge) by H.M. Clarke Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Enclave (The Verge) by H.M. Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Clarke
Federation gate to the Junter system.  The Adelaide was now FTLing through the disputed zone and should arrive in system in about eight hours, if no one tries to challenge their ‘right of way’ through the DMZ.  Mark hunter was doing wonders in avoiding both Alliance and Federation traffic.  She determined to make mention of Hunter in her next log entry.
    Petty planetary politics paled in comparison to getting back on track to throw Hyde into the dank prison cell he deserved.  Whatever John’s cloak and dagger assignment is, Katherine hoped it could be finished fast enough for them to get back to Port McMahon and start their hunt all over again.
    Glancing at the time display on the briefing room wall, Katherine breathed a sign of frustration.  He’s late.  And I hope he is not bringing Hayes with him.   Katherine was well aware of the back sniping about her that Hayes was telling to her crew.  But it seems that Hayes was unaware that the crew had been passing Intel back to their captain (always in round about ways).  For an attractive woman, she had managed to rub a predominately male crew the wrong way.  Lieutenants Shepherd and Hunter were the only two who said anything nice about Hayes.
    Katherine did not care what the woman said about her, as long as she obeyed Naval and ships regulations while on board.
    The door opened and John stepped into the room, this time without a Serviceman escorting him, and again, thankfully without Hayes.  If Katherine did not know better, she would think the woman was avoiding her!
    “Hello John,” she said, not bothering to get up from her chair to welcome him.  She was tired and her body was making sure she knew it.
    “Hello Katherine.”  The access door closed quickly behind John, sealing them both inside.  John sat in the chair next to her, dropping his datapad on the table.
    “You’re not going to give me another holo presentation again are you?”  Katherine placed a little ‘mock horror’ sarcasm in her voice, but from the startled look on John’s face that was exactly what he had planned to do.
    “I was, but if you prefer to skip it and have me tell you straight, that’s fine.  It’s just that Julie spent a lot of time preparing this file.”
    “Even more reason to skip it.”
    John paused and gave Katherine a questioning glance but said nothing.
    “Look John, you’re looking at a woman who has only managed to scrape a few hours sleep in the last forty eight hours.  I am tired and in need of a good nap.”
    “Alright then little sister.”
    Katherine tired not to wince at the phrase.  She had forgotten he used to call her that.
    “I know that you and the Adelaide’s crew are angry at me for taking you away from Battle Group Two and the capture of Hyde-”
    “We’re not angry with you anymore.  Hyde wasn’t there.  Admiral Baverstock informed me this morning.”  She could not keep the bitterness from her voice.  “It looks as if Naval Intelligence let us down.”
    “No it didn’t”
    “Yes it bloody well did!” Katherine bit back angrily.
    “I’m sorry to say that it didn’t.”  Johns’ fingers twitched by his datapad but he restrained himself from thumbing it on.  “We fed Battle Group Two the information that Alliance black ops were feeding us.”
    “What!” Katherine was aghast.  How could they be used like that!   All that time and effort wasted.
    John held his hand up for calm.  “It’s not as bad as it sounds Katherine.  We had Battle Group Two follow Hyde’s false trail while Intelligence followed his real one.  We had to find out why the Alliance felt the need for this elaborate deception.”
    “What has this to do with me?” Katherine could not keep the rage from her voice.  She was angrier now than she was this morning after the Admiral’s message.
    “There are reasons why I specifically asked for you on this mission little sister.”
    Katherine’s anger still smoldered but he had her attention

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