The Exodus Sagas: Book II - Of Dragons And Crowns

The Exodus Sagas: Book II - Of Dragons And Crowns by Jason R Jones Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Exodus Sagas: Book II - Of Dragons And Crowns by Jason R Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason R Jones
demons, mixes angels and old Gods of stories. Just stories Kalzarius, the truth lies in Alden, Lord of Heaven, not in this old parchment.” Lord Savanno was pacing, reading what he could of the ancient scroll from his years in the church.
    “It mentions Alden, right here, the whole story. Just from a point of view that the church does not want you to know of, could not know of. Not the church of the old world, and not ours here on Agara.” the old wizard rested, feeling the talks getting too heated for his taste.
    The others watched and listened, seeing the blue mist rising inches off the parchment now. Azenairk thought of how difficult human religion must be, and was glad to be a devout worshipper of Vundren, God of the mountains and only choice for his race. It seemed simpler than all this historical argument. For him, God was God, and there was little room for interpretation.
    James looked at Saberrak, who looked at the scroll. Gwenneth listened intently to her old teacher, and watched the blue light rise, wondering what it could mean. Shinayne felt something, her elven senses certain they were not alone. Whether it was the scroll, the light, or someone nearby, she could not discern.
    “Kalzarius, you know this cannot stay in Harlaheim. Too many eyes and ears are waiting, many of them will not side with you and will wish to take it.” t he Lord Knight Errant resigned, running his fingers over the blue light, feeling something powerful and peaceful, some thing pure. “I believe you, why I do not know. But I see this scroll, I feel it. What would you ask of me and the Order of Saint Tarumin?”
    “Keep them and the scroll actually protected. I will send them to Ansharr, to Soujan Mountain in the northeast, it wil l be safe there for all time.” t he wizard noti ced something move by the doors and raised his hand, cautioning the others. Swords drew from James and Shinayne, and everyone turned. The lights from the staves of the wizards glowed gold and red with protective magicks readied.
    “Protected from who , Kalzarius?” Bishop Javiel pushed open one of the heavy doors, outraged at what he had heard already. “The church? Perhaps the king? Explain to me why you and the Lord Knight Errant, of a religious order , would conspire to keep such a relic secret?”
    “You were invited here, Javiel. Do not bring your rhetoric and title into this room, we need to discuss-“ Kalzarius was cut off.
    “Oh, I was invited, yes. While you and a group of fugitives plan your schemes and speak blasphemy from a heretic scroll full of lies about my faith! The Cardinal will hear of this upon his return, I will ensure that.” his anger reddened his face and his voice boomed in the study.
    Saberrak loosed his greataxe and stared at the Bishop, his eyes focusing on burning a hole through the man in the robes. “It is mine, priest . I choose where and with whom it goes. It was given to me, so I would suggest you back down if y ou know what is good for you.” h is breath huffed out like no idle threat.
    “Threatened, threatened by a horned beast! Savanno, you should have these criminals arrested for such words and deceptions. Not only do you read from a sacrilegious parchment as if it were the Aldane truth, you surround yourself with killers and heathens. I am the Bishop of Harlaheim! The king shall-“
    “Shall what, Javiel?” Savanno spoke loudly, defiantly at the unreasonable man. “The king will hear of this only if you decide to glorify your name by condemning what you have not peacefully investigated!”
    “I will investigate it, in the holy church, alone!” Javiel walked toward the table, intent on taking the scroll.
    Shinayne, James, Savanno, and Azenairk stepped in front of the Bishop at once. Gwenneth stood next to Kalzarius, both wizards realizing that contending with the church was not a wise choice, they kept their gaze lowered. S aberrak turned toward the table and set his axe to lean against it.
    “ I think not.

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