The Fall of Rome

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Book: The Fall of Rome by Beth Ciotta Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Ciotta
Tags: Romance
and took the horses in hand. He jabbed a bony finger at the baggage, indicating he’d handle that, too. Athens handled Kat. He rounded the buggy and handed her down. Then he waited patiently while she shook wrinkles and trail dust from her blue satin skirt and adjusted her frilled bonnet. Always fussing with her appearance. Mostly the reason she always ran late.
    Rome noted the riderless horse tethered to the back of the buggy. Athens’s horse. “Where’s Boston?”
    Seth shrugged. “Don’t know.”
    Rome couldn’t venture because his brain was fixed on the women sashaying her way to the porch. He noted her tall, graceful form, more slender than her former voluptuous self. Her cleavage wasn’t as pronounced as in the past. Then again, the neckline of her bodice wasn’t as low. Her complexion was still flawless, but no longer alabaster. Sun-kissed, he thought, noting the freckles beneath the powder. She still favored cosmetics, but with a subtler hand. Instead of crimson red, she’d painted her lips dusty rose. Kohl liner enhanced her doe-brown eyes. Eyes that had yet to meet his own.
    “Stunning,” said Seth.
    “Can’t believe you’re obsessed with a damned sunset.”
    “I was talking about Miss Simmons.”
    Rome shifted. “I’m going to kick your ass before this assignment’s over.”
    The grin widened. “You can try.”
    Athens whispered something in Kat’s ear, squeezed her elbow. She smiled and Rome felt a stab of longing. He remembered with aching clarity the last time she’d smiled at him.
    “Sorry for the delay,” Athens said as they climbed the steps.
    “Worth the wait,” Seth said.
    “You must be Seth Wright,” she said with an easy smile. “Heard you’re a charmer.”
    “Heard you were beautiful. That’s an understatement.”
    “Definite charmer.”
    “So says my wife.”
    “Lucky woman,” said Kat.
    “I’m the lucky one,” Seth said.
    Rome folded his arms, feigning boredom. Was she ignoring him to perturb him? Playing coy to disguise her nerves? Two could play at that game. One thing he knew for certain, Kat loved games.
    “Katrina Simmons,” she said, offering Seth a gloved hand. “Everyone calls me Kat.”
    “Always lands on her feet,” said Rome.
    At last she looked his way . . . and nearly knocked him on his ass. “Been a long time, Rome.”
    Her pointed gaze grated and enflamed at the same time. He hadn’t counted on being this seduced by her presence. After all the hurt. All the years. He fought to disguise any flicker of attraction as she took stock of him. He tried picturing himself through her eyes. Last she’d seen him, he’d been cocky, reckless, and temperamental. Come to think of it, he hadn’t changed all that much. Except his hair was longer and his patience shorter.
    “I’d say it’s good to see you,” she said, “but I’d be playing loose with the truth.”
    “God knows you never lie, sweetheart.”
    She didn’t flinch, but he caught a flash of something. Just a spark. Anger. Hurt. He couldn’t be sure. He was never sure with Kat.
    “Shame about your losing face with Wells Fargo and the populace,” she said.
    He couldn’t tell by tone or expression if she was being sympathetic or sarcastic. Given he’d just insulted her, he banked on the latter.
    Athens frowned. “Let’s take this inside.”
    Seconds later they all faced off in the parlor. Rome eyed the brandy. Kat eyed him. Athens eyed the both of them and Seth looked amused. Hell’s fire, Rome thought.
    “This is why I wanted to meet in private, prior to setting this trap. Let’s get this out and over with,” Athens said. “Deal with it squarely.”
    “Fairly, you mean,” said Seth.
    “Bulls-Eye Brady doesn’t play fair,” Athens said. “Life isn’t fair. Forget fair.”
    “Where’s Boston?” Rome asked, maybe too forcefully, but hell, their even-keeled brother had turned cynical. All was not right with the world.
    “Protecting Miss Simmons interests.”
    He waited for

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