The Fourth Ceremony: The Sacrifice Trilogy

The Fourth Ceremony: The Sacrifice Trilogy by K.M. Ashling Read Free Book Online

Book: The Fourth Ceremony: The Sacrifice Trilogy by K.M. Ashling Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Ashling
decompress .” She said matter-of-factly .“ And, maybe I do n’ t want the government to have time to shut the whole thing down just so I can go alone. I want to experience the crowds firsthand . ”
    “ Okay, you can go tomorrow, but yo u’ ll have to go with Camden. And I’ m also not so sure that they wo n’ t shut it down .” Khi cut his eyes at her as he spoke.
    Alessa stopped and turned to Khi ,“ Why?! I thought w e’ d leave the two newbies here and you and I go to the Carnival . ”
    “ Alec and I have a training to go to .” Khi answered simply.
    “ Why is n’ t Camden going ?” Alessa had her heart set on going to the Carnival the next day, but she was still uneasy around Camden. He had n’ t stopped his arrogant confidence or his snide remarks. And although the thought of spending the day alone with him excited her in a secret part of her heart, it also made her incredibly nervous.
    “ I am your Lead Guard and Alec will one day be Lead Guard. Camden is just extra muscle to have around this year . ”
    “ In case someone decided to knock me off early ?” Alessa responded dryly.
    “ Come on, Less, do n’ t be like that .” Khi looked sad. He had that look more and more often lately. Alessa quickly reminded herself that she had vowed not to make it harder on any of them.
    “I’ m only joking . ”
    “ I think you should go to the Carnival with Cam. Maybe it would clear up some of this tension between you two .” Khi said carefully.
    Alessa had a few ideas of what would clear up the tension between her and Camden, but she was fairly certain that none of them could be carried out at a carnival.
    “ But, you do n’ t trust him !” Alessa argued.
    “ What in the Empire are you talking about ?” Khi responded, his face exuding honest confusion.
    “ Well, I just know you and I could tell that you did n’ t trust him. From the first moment in the training room I knew it . ”
    “ Alessa, I would trust Camden with my life. More importantly, I would trust him with yours. H e’ s a little unorthodox, but I do n’ t think tha t’ s a bad thing. Especially with you wanting to run off on an illegal trip to the Carnival .” His tone was serious.
    “ But every time w e’ re around him, yo u’ re careful and you use you r‘ I do n’ t trust yo u’ voice, an d … ” She stopped suddenly, realizing .“ But i t’ s not Cam. Every time you act like that, i t’ s not him, i t’ s Alec . ”
    Khi sighed dramatically .“ Yo u’ re too perceptive for your own good sometimes, you know that, Less ? ”
    “ I t’ s true, though .” Alessa said quietly.
    “ I t’ s not that I do n’ t trust him, h e’ s jus t… ver y … ” Khi struggled to continue ,“ h e’ s ver y‘ by the boo k’ , and he would n’ t hesitate to tell the Minister anything that would play in his own favor, regardless of the consequences . ”
    “ I do n’ t understand . ”
    “ Your little outing tomorrow, for example. Alec cannot know about that or he would use it for his own advancement. But, Camden, h e’ s a good guy, Less. I know he can come across as sort of a pain, but when it comes down to what matters h e’ s good . ”
    “ Maybe yo u’ re right, Khi, but I’ m not going to like you not being there . ”
    “ I wo n’ t like it either. But who knows, maybe yo u’ ll have fun. You have n’ t had enough fun in your life lately. To be quite honest I’ m worried about you .” Khi looked at her in that way that pierced straight through her careful defenses.
    “ Oh Khi ,” She grabbed him in a hug and smiled sadly when his strong arms almost lifted her straight off of her feet ,“ do n’ t worry about me, Khi. I’ m going to be fine. Really, I’ m better than I was and getting better than that every day . ”
    “ Be real with me, Less . ”
    “ I mean it. I’ m scared, but I suppose tha t’ s pretty normal. I am really okay. Promise .” She wanted to scream. She absolutely hated

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