The Game Plan

The Game Plan by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online

Book: The Game Plan by Breanna Hayse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breanna Hayse
her request.  It was a small town and her statement did not surprise him.  Cassie gave him her information and his eyes widened.
    “ Big Billy Johnson?  The Dolphi n’ s quarterback?  H e’ s your father ? ”
    “ No, more like a landlord. He took me in after my mom died..  Please.. . ”
    “ My brother played with BJ when he was in college.  The guy was a bulldozer.  Ho w’ s he doing?  I see him on TV all the time . ”
    “ H e’ s in Japan.  Please?  Ca n’ t we just take the car home ?” Cassie repeated. 
    The officer shook his head.  “ Sorry, dear.  The most I can do is to have the car towed to the station so your friend can drive it home when he comes and gets you.  It will have to be enough.  In you go.  Watch your head, please . ”
    Gina looked at her friend worriedly as they sat in the cell.  “ Dad is going to ground me for life for this . ”
    “ I do n’ t even want to think what Ro b’ s gonna do when he finds out.  Your da d’ s gonna have to drive Glenn to pick up his car, too.  We wo n’ t be able to hide anything.  Damn and double damn . ”
    “ Those assholes do n’ t even care.  How come w e’ re so stupid ?” Gina asked, glaring at the laughing sailors.
    “ I dunno.  God, I am so dead !” Cassie groaned.  “ I just wanna go to sleep . ”
    The two girls waited silently for the tell-tale sound of their doom.  Gina bit her lip, hearing her fathe r’ s voice booming in the other room.  She grabbed Cassi e’ s hand.  “ He is royally pissed.  I guess we wo n’ t see much of the great outdoors for the next few months ,” Gina whispered, standing as her red-faced father appeared at the bars.
    “ Gina Louise Todd, I am so going to blister your ass for this!  What the hell were you thinking?  No, do n’ t answer me; I do n’ t even want to hear your excuses !” Mr. Todd bellowed, making everyone in hearing range wince.  Gina shrunk on the bench, suddenly changing her mind about leaving the safety of the little cell.
    “ Cassandra, I’ m sorry, but you girls wo n’ t be seeing each other outside of classes for a while.  Yo u— get out !” He pointed to Gina.  She yelped loudly as his hand landed squarely on her backside.  She stared at him incredulously.  He merely pointed to the doorway and she scrambled to obey. 
    Cassie leaned against the wall, waiting her turn.  Glenn walked in slowly, his eyes locking onto her as he approached the bars.  “ I ca n’ t believe this ,” he said, shaking his head.  “ I leave you alone for a couple of hours and this happens?  You realize that I’ m never going to hear the end of it with the bros.  Damn it, Cass ! ”
    “ Ca n’ t you just get me out of here and then w e’ ll figure out something ? ”
    “ Yeah, I’ m waiting for the card to clear.  We wo n’ t be able to hide it.  Your bail was 3 grand and yo u’ ll have a court date in four weeks . ”
    “ But the cop said he was n’ t going to press charges on me !” Cassie panicked. 
    Glenn chuckled, moving aside for the jailer.  ” You have to testify against those fools you were with and then the charges will be dropped.  Yo u’ re under the drinking age so they are being busted.  The officer said nothing about charges for smoking weed.  Tha t’ s the deal.  Shit, Cass, Ro b’ s gonna kill both of us, then Bry is going to make us into puddin g … ” Glenn sighed, hugging her tightly.  Cassie remained silent as they went outside and got into Bil l’ s car.  The drive back to the house seemed to last forever.
    “ Glenn?  I’ m really sorry .” Cassie grabbed his hand.
    “ Yeah, me too.  I ca n’ t think of how w e’ re gonna get out of it . ”
    “ You could, well, punish me ,” Cassie said quietly.
    Glenn frowned.
    She continued ,“ I mean, if you took care of it, it would show Rob yo u’ re responsible and did n’ t need his intervention.  Maybe it would get him off both our backs . ”
    “ I’ m not

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