The Harp of Aleth

The Harp of Aleth by Kira Morgana Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Harp of Aleth by Kira Morgana Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Morgana
swung around to look at the Jar, which visibly shrank under his gaze.
    “Uh… that is… what I mean to say is…”
    The Aracan Katuvana shook his head and looked back at the window. A figure had joined the statue in the temple.
    “That’s the cavalier.”
    They watched as the woman walked over to the statue. Stepping back with surprise etched across her face, she bowed deeply to it and then stared up at it, her lips moving as she appeared to answer a voice only she could hear.
    A soft red glow appeared around the statue and enveloped the woman’s body. She stiffened momentarily before sinking slowly to the floor, ecstasy blooming on her face and breathing quickening.
    “He’s seducing her, gathering a following, but for what end?” the Jar said, its curiosity tinged with satisfaction. “This may make our job easier, Lord.”
    The Aracan Katuvana grunted.
    “Well, if she works for Slaanesh, then we will be able to…” the Jar blinked as the Aracan Katuvana changed the viewing window to look into the Lych Mistress’s boudoir. The lady herself lay sprawled upon her bed, a diaphanous silk robe covering her exquisite form. “She is as lovely in sleep as she is awake.” The Jar whispered to itself.
    The Aracan Katuvana touched a symbol on the window ledge and a bell rang. Lady Lych stirred and stretched, then turned toward them.
    “Dear, sweet Lord. Do you often watch your subjects sleeping?” she raised herself up onto an elbow.
    The Jar opened its mouth to say something and the Aracan Katuvana motioned to it to be silent. The Jar frowned. A look passed between the Mistress and the Aracan Katuvana and almost instantly, the Jar understood. The Aracan Katuvana is speaking to her privately. He’s never done that before. I wonder…
    “But of course, my Lord. I shall assign Hezan to the case, he has a great deal of experience with the worship of Slaanesh and knows how to bring a new adherent into our fold.” She bowed her head gently and there was a gleam in her eye. “I assure you, there will be no mistakes this time.”
    The grunt that the Aracan Katuvana made was heavy with sarcasm, but she seemed to hear something else. The Jar watched enviously as the Lych Mistress blew the Aracan Katuvana a kiss.
    “Will my Lord let me in on his plan?” The Jar asked as the Aracan Katuvana blanked the window. He turned to look at the Jar.
    From beneath the hooded robe, the Jar saw the Aracan Katuvana’s eyes narrow. If I still had legs, I’d be scuttling backward as fast as I could! I haven’t seen a look like that since Khorne tried to kill Nurgle’s pet rabbit when we were young.
    The Aracan Katuvana stepped up the dais to his throne and sat down, still glaring at the Jar. Then slowly and deliberately he shook his head.
    “As my Lord Commands.” The Jar felt relieved. “Would my Lord like to monitor the progress of the other heroes in the Frazin Dungeon?”
    A slight relaxation of the Aracan Katuvana’s grip on the throne’s arms and a harsh intake of breath were the only clues the Jar had to go on, but it smiled as it realised what had happened.
    “As you wish Lord. Sleep well.”
    * * *
    “What was that?” Qin Dar asked, tilting her head.
    “What was what?” Julissa frowned. He’s taking a long time with this scouting mission.
    “I thought I heard a door bang somewhere behind us.”
    “It’s probably just Tavia being careless.” Julissa’s frown deepened. “Did she say where she was going?”
    “Not that I remember.” Virrinel squatted on the floor, his nose twitching. “I smell danger everywhere in here, Julissa.”
    “I know, but I have to find that Harp. It’s the key to winning the war against the Franierens,” Julissa griped. “I just wish I could trust the Cavalier to back us up.”
    “We shall find it, my Lady.” Joran’s voice startled her and she jumped, turning to stare at the Blood Mage with hope in her eyes. “Did you discover the Harp’s whereabouts?”
    “Nay. But I have

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